Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the types of subject. Let's differentiate them into a strip of Calvin and Harold? So, get to work!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
Download this Portuguese exercise at:
WATTERSON, Bill. Something drooling under the bed – another compilation of Calvin and Harold comic strips. New York, Universal Press Syndicate Company, 1988.
Question 1 - Point out the subject of the sentence said by Calvin in the first square of the strip:
Question 2 - The subject, pointed out in the previous question, has as its nucleus the term:
b) "sport"
c) "boring"
d) "world"
Question 3 - Identify the subject hidden in the prayer “We've been sitting here for twenty minutes […]”:
Question 4 – Classify the subject of the verb highlighted in the sentence, numbering as indicated:
( ) Friends were fishing. Later, were to the house.
( ) Do not You know what happened to Calvin.
( ) Calvin and Harold They were fishing.
( ) Calvin got bored with fishing.
Question 5 - "There were few fish in that lake!" It can be said that this sentence:
a) presents a simple subject.
b) presents a compound subject.
c) presents a hidden subject.
d) does not have a subject.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.