Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, explores the demonstrative pronouns. “This”, “this” or “that”? Which one fits the text What is: Xenophobia? Let's go to the challenge? To do this, answer this and the other questions proposed below!
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Xenophobia, initially, is fear of the unknown. The word comes from the Greek “xénos”, which means foreigner, and “phobos”, which means fear. __________ Fear can give rise to a form of prejudice against different people or groups. This is because, when we don't know something or someone seems very different to us, we tend to be afraid. If we are afraid, we tend to withdraw and end up knowing even less about it. It is common that prejudices are born from this distancing and even lead us to believe in false things that are said by other groups, different from ours. The result of this could be xenophobia.
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Question 1 - The underlined word plays the role of demonstrative pronoun in the sentence:
( ) “The word comes from the Greek “xenos”, what it means foreigner […]”
( ) “[…] and we ended up knowing even less about that one.”
( ) “[…] in false things that are said from other groups, different from the our.”
Question 2 - Point out the alternative in which the demonstrative pronoun was used correctly:
( ) "This fear can give rise to a form of prejudice against people or groups [...]"
( ) “This fear can give rise to a form of prejudice against people or groups […]”
( ) "That fear can give rise to a form of prejudice against people or groups [...]"
Question 3 - In the alternative noted above, the demonstrative pronoun:
( ) determines a noun.
( ) replaces a noun.
( ) complements a noun.
Question 4 – In the excerpt “This happens because, when we don't know something or someone […]”, the demonstrative pronoun “That”:
( ) announces information.
( ) explains information.
( ) retrieves information.
Question 5 - In the text above, what does the demonstrative pronoun “That” refer to?
Question 6 – In the passage “It is common for prejudices to be born of this distancing […]”, the highlighted term is the contraction of a preposition with the demonstrative pronoun “this”. Quote it:
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.