Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the ninth year of elementary school, addresses verbal agreement. How about analyzing cases of agreement? To do this, answer the various questions that explore the verbal agreement in the text June 8 – World Oceans Day! In the sentence “[…] 90% of seabirds _____ plastic fragments in the stomach.”, for example, would you complete with “have” or “have”? Let's challenge?
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The oceans are extremely important. They cover two-thirds of the world and function like the Earth's lungs, as it is from them that most of the oxygen we breathe comes from. In addition, they regulate the planet's temperature, provide food, energy and are also ways of transporting people and products. For all these reasons, it is essential that they are preserved.
But every year about 8 million tons of plastic are dumped. As a result, 90% of seabirds _____ plastic fragments in the stomach. And by 2050, it's estimated that there will be more plastics than fish in the seas! To alert people about the impacts of human actions on the oceans and mobilize the world's population to conserve them, June 8th was chosen as World Oceans Day. And what can be done to help care for these precious waters? Refuse plastic cups and straws, prefer reusable ones. Take your bag shopping, don't litter the street, use reusable bottles and store food in glass jars.
Together, we can restore our ocean.
Available at: .
Question 1 - Highlight the verbs that make up this fragment of the text:
"In addition, they regulate the planet's temperature, provide food, energy and are also ways of transporting people and products."
Question 2 - The underlined verbs above agree with the subject:
Question 3 - In the period “But every year about 8 million tons of plastic are dumped.”, the use of the plural verb is:
( ) prohibited.
( ) optional.
( ) mandatory.
Question 4 - In “For all this, it is essential that they are preserved.”, the verb “to be”, which agrees with the subject “they”, was inflected:
( ) in indicative mode.
( ) in subjunctive mode.
( ) in imperative mode.
Question 5 - Reread this passage from the text:
“[…] 90% of seabirds _____ plastic fragments in the stomach.”
The space indicated above must be filled with:
( ) "has".
( ) "has".
( ) “has” or “has”.
Question 6 – In the excerpt "And until 2050, it is estimated that [...]", the verb "estimate" should be used in the 3rd person singular, since the "if" works as:
( ) reflexive pronoun.
( ) passive pronoun.
( ) subject's indeterminacy index.
Question 7 – In prayer “[…] there will be more plastic than fish in the sea!”, the underlined verb is in the singular because:
( ) the subject is hidden.
( ) the subject is non-existent.
( ) the subject is indeterminate.
Question 8 – Rewrite the sentence, present in the previous question, replacing the verb “haver” with the verb “exist”:
Question 9 – In the phrase "Together, we can restore our ocean.", the verb agrees with the subject, which is a personal pronoun referring to:
( ) to the 1st person plural.
( ) to the 2nd person plural.
( ) to the 3rd person plural.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.