Portuguese activity, aimed at ninth grade students, proposes the study of direct transitive verbs. Do you when a verb is classified that way? Let's learn? Then answer the questions based on the text. colorful garden!
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In ancient Japan, women made hairstyles with shapes that resembled birds, lanterns and butterflies. The idea was to imitate a garden. To hold all this in, combs shaped like thin rods were invented, made of bone, wood, metal and even glass. One of the most famous hairstyles, used until today, is called butterfly (butterfly, in English) and carries colorful ornaments and origami.
“Recreio” magazine. São Paulo: April, n. 321, 4 May 2006. P. 19.
Question 1 - In the phrase “[…] women made hairstyles with shapes that resembled birds […]”, the verb “made” is:
a) intransitive
b) direct transitive
c) indirect transitive
d) direct and indirect transitive
Question 2 - The complement of the transitive direct verb is called the direct object. Identify the direct object of the verb "made":
Question 3 - In the passage “[…] resembling birds, lanterns and butterflies.”, the direct object of the verb “to remember” is:
a) "birds"
b) "lanterns"
c) "butterflies"
d) "birds, lanterns and butterflies."
Question 4 – In the excerpt “[…] it takes colorful ornaments and origamis.”, the direct object of the verb “to take” consists mainly of:
a) nouns
b) adjectives
c) verbs
d) adverbs
Question 5 - It can be concluded that a verb is direct transitive when:
a) needs complement with preposition.
b) it needs a complement without a preposition.
c) does not need a complement.
d) needs two complements: one with a preposition, the other without a preposition.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.