Activity of text interpretation aimed at ninth grade students. while it's may is a chronicle written by Elsie Lessa. For her, being in May is a privilege! That's because the city of Rio, desperately hell, with its heat transforms this month! Reflect with the writer, reading the chronicle! And, don't forget to answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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For four or five months a year, Rio is a desperately hellish city, with its heat. And suddenly the thermometers behave and the sky turns blue and the air cleans and purifies itself, the sea washes the its waves, the trees paint the green of its leaves with light and everything sweetens, inside and outside beings humans.
And I get restless and I want to be ubiquitous and omnipresent, because I can't leave here for a minute and miss Rio in its May days. And Petrópolis, there, together, is a delirium of beauty. Teresópolis, Friburgo, Penedo, Itatiaia, São Paulo, Caraguatatuba, Parati and Vila Bela will be equally splendid. And what about Salvador and Recife, maybe even Brasília? Well, it's May in all of them. This greatly disturbs us, as it will no longer be possible to celebrate the event in all these latitudes.
And I'm writing to you, watching the landscape through the open windows, because I don't know if you'll be waiting for me for long. And I have regrets about going to the cinema and theater, as it is a privilege to attend such shows in May, but a sadness to lose even a minute of May outside them.
And it is necessary to gather friends and love more than ever the loved ones and thank – oh, never mind – your gods, no matter what, the brief, the precarious, the wonderful privilege of being alive and healthy and joyful, in May.
Elsie Lessa. “The Lady of the Night”, p. 164, Livraria José Olympio Editora, Rio de Janeiro, 1963.
Question 1 - The text read is:
a) a short story
b) a chronicle
c) a report
d) an opinion article
Question 2 - Who writes the text, does it predominantly in the 1st person. Identify a passage that supports this statement:
Question 3 - At the beginning of the text, the author used the word "desperately" to:
a) explain the meaning of the adjective that characterizes the city of Rio.
b) criticize the meaning of the adjective that characterizes the city of Rio.
c) intensify the sense of the adjective that characterizes the city of Rio.
d) complement the sense of the adjective that characterizes the city of Rio.
Question 4 - In the segment “[…] because I don't know if it will be waiting for me for a long time.”, what does the writer refer to?
a) at all these latitudes.
b) the landscape through the open windows.
c) to the cinema.
d) to the theater.
Question 5 - In the part “And I have regrets about going to the cinema and theater, as it is a privilege to watch such shows in May […]”, the term “because” indicates:
a) one fact that justifies the other.
b) one fact that opposes another.
c) one fact that adds to another.
d) one fact that alternates with another.
Question 6 – In “[…] and thank – oh, forget no voice – to your gods […]”, the author dialogues directly with the reader to express:
a) a wish
b) an advice
c) an order
d) a warning
Question 7 – Underline the adjectives that characterize, in the writer's view, the privilege of being in May:
“[…] the brief, the precarious, the wonderful privilege of being alive and healthy and happy in May.”
Question 8 – There is figurative language in the excerpt:
a) “[…] the trees paint the green of their leaves with light […]”
b) “And I am restless and I would like to be ubiquitous and omnipresent […]”
c) "And what about Salvador and Recife, who knows if even Brasília?"
d) “And I have regrets about going to the cinema and theater […]”
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.