Have you ever wondered if the right word is ratify or rectify? Relax! It is normal to have doubts about these words since they are paronyms, that is, they are similar both in spelling and pronunciation. However, the meaning of both is different.
Ratifying means confirming what was said earlier. To rectify means to correct or align something that has been said or done.
See some examples of sentences with the word ratify:
See some examples with the word rectify:
Rectifying will always refer to fixing something. Remember. of the engine overhaul? Ever wondered why the establishment gets this. Name? Because rectification comes from the verb “rectify”, which means to adjust, fix, correct, fix.
Because they are paronyms, the words are given similarities in the. spelling and pronunciation, but they are given different meanings, and that causes one. bit of confusion. Often, without knowing it, people use both. words in different contexts than what they really mean.
Both words are spelled correctly and are part of the Portuguese language vocabulary. The exchange of a phoneme is what differentiates the two (the /a/ by /e/).
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curse or curse
fourteen or fourteen
brought or brought
Ratifying, therefore, refers to confirming the veracity of. something, prove, validate or reaffirm.
More examples with the use of the word:
The word ratify always presupposes the sense of proof, approval or confirmation with what has already been done, said or promised. That term. “ratify” is widely used in contracts, conventions, treaties and documents. legal rights.
Meaning of. rectify
In the case of the word rectify, it will always be associated with the act. to correct, fix, mend, align, straighten or straighten.
Other examples with the word rectify:
In Law, it is common to use the word rectify to indicate. corrections in law or in the grounds of a decision. It is also very common to use. of the word associated with cars and car concerts.
In geometry, the word rectify refers to the extension of one. bow in a curve. In chemistry, it means to purify through distillation. No. In the case of electronics, rectifying means alternating direct current.
The word ratify (to confirm) comes from the Latin “ratificare” which means to prove, to validate.
In the Middle Ages, many used this word for. confirm something, especially among priests and nobles.
The word rectify also comes from Latin, however it is. from the verb “facere”, which means to do and rectus “right, correct, correct”.
The Portuguese online dictionary defines the word ratify. in the following way:
Below are some international conventions that were. ratified (confirmed, validated and reaffirmed) in our country. Information. taken from the site http://fnttaa.org.br:
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