THE electrostatic studies electrical charges when they are at rest, without movement.
the shield electrostatic causes the magnetic field to go zero. This will happen when the distributed electrical charges are in excess on the conductor. Charges that contain the same sign move away until they rest, they remain motionless.
Michael Faraday's study, called Faraday's Cage, proved this thesis. He went inside a cage that was subjected to an electrical waste and nothing happened to him.
The power electrostatic is the interaction between two electrical charges is through the action of attraction and repulsion.
Coulomb's constant which is the constant electrostatic, is influenced by electrical charges that meet. In this way the constant ends up influencing the value of strength.
In a vacuum, the value is 9.10(9) N.m(2)/C(2), but it also appears in other ways:
The energy electrostatic also called potential energy Electricity is the result of excess electrical charges that undergo friction.
Ep = k. Q.q/d
k = electrostatic constant
Q = source load
Q = proof or test load
D = distance between charges
The electric field is where the electric charges are concentrated and their intensity is measured through:
E = F/q
E = electric field
F = electrical force
Q = electrical charge
Electrical charges is the result of the attraction and repulsion of electrical charges. Equal charges repel and opposite charges attract. It is measured in coulomb and the smallest of this charge is found in nature as an elementary charge: e = 1.6.10(19)C
Q = n.e
n = number of electrons
e = elementary charge
V = Ep/Q
V = electrical potential
Ep = potential energy
Q = electrical charge
U = v (h) - v (a)
U = potential difference
v (a) = electrical potential at a
v (h) = electrical potential at b
THE electrostatic studies charges at rest while electrodynamics studies charges in motion.
In addition to these areas that study electricity, we also have the electromagnetism where the work of electricity in attraction and repulsion of the poles is studied.
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