THE Dynamic the two circles is a wonderful resource just like the Dynamics the web of friendship, to work the presentation.
the good of this dynamics it's the fact that we only need a device that plays music (currently cellphone technologies are more than enough) to put on lively music.
With this Dynamics the web of friendship we can observe focused attention, agility, dynamism, interpersonal relationships, humor, persistence, resistance to frustration, creativity, leadership, interpersonal relationships, sociability.
Numbers of participants? There is no limit of participants for this fun dynamic (You only need an even number of participants, examples: 8, 10, 20, 26.. etc).
Is it just for school? NO!! It can be worked among other places for example among employees of a company.
Two circles are formed, one inside the other, both with the same number of people.
When the music starts playing, each circle rotates to one side.
When the music stops playing, people should introduce themselves to whoever stands in front of them, saying the name and any other information that the dynamics coordinator finds interesting for the moment.
Repeat until everyone has introduced themselves.
At some point, you can also mix people from both circles so that more people can get to know each other.
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