Portuguese activity, focused on ninth grade students, addresses the passive agent. The passive agent is the complement of a verb in the passive voice. Are we going to study it? To do this, answer the questions based on the news 2.4 thousand year old ship found in the Black Sea.
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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A Greek ship that sank about 2,400 years ago was found fully preserved in the Black Sea at 80 kilometers from the city of Burgas, Bulgaria, by the Black Sea Maritime Archeology Project (MAP, in its initials English). Until now, this is considered the oldest shipwreck in the world.
The vessel is 23 meters long — equivalent to approximately six cars in a row — and was built 400 years before Christ (a. Ç.). It was located by special cameras for filming in deep water more than two kilometers below the surface. According to project researchers, the lack of oxygen in the area helped in conservation.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - There is passive agent in the first paragraph of the text. Point it out:
( ) “[…] fully preserved in the Black Sea, 80 kilometers away […]”
( ) “[…] for the Black Sea Maritime Archeology Project (MAP).”
( ) “[…] the oldest shipwreck in the world.”
Question 2 - The passive agent is the complement of a verb in the passive voice. In the first paragraph of the text, the passive verb expresses:
( ) an action of the agent of the liability.
( ) a state of the passive agent.
( ) a characteristic of the passive agent.
Question 3 - Highlight the agent of the liability that makes up this period of the text:
"She was located by special cameras for filming in deep water more than two kilometers below the surface."
Question 4 – Rewrite the period above so that the agent of the passive becomes the subject of the prayer in the active voice:
Question 5 - The agent of the liability is considered a term:
( ) essential of prayer.
( ) part of the prayer.
( ) accessory to prayer.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.