Doubts between the use of letters like "X", "Ç" and "S" are common in the Portuguese language. The problem is that the pronunciation between them is often similar and it is difficult to differentiate when writing. One of the biggest confusions in writing is between "Exception or exception". After all, do you know which one is correct?
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Although it is common to find the word “exception” written around, it is incorrect. This is not only the incorrect spelling of “exception” but it also does not exist in Portuguese. The word must not be spelled with “SS” at any time!
This, in fact, is the correct way to write. “Exception” is a feminine noun, being the action of excluding, eliminating something or someone. It refers to a break, break or deviation from the pattern, for example.
The noun can also represent something/someone with an advantage or some perk. The word “exception” comes from exceptione, from the Latin.
Check out the examples of the use of the word below:
One of the big reasons why many write "exception" with "SS" can be in the word “excess”. Both have a similar script, but have completely different meanings.
While "exception" refers to excluding, "excess" can be characterized as exceeding, as in the example:
As you can see, in all expressions one could not use “exception” without changing the meaning.
You are still having doubts when using the “excess or exception”? Check out the following video:
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