In order or in order? Some expressions in the Portuguese language are confusing as to how to write together or separately. Often neither mode is incorrect, but few people have this linguistic knowledge.
In "in order" or "in order" neither is incorrect. However, it is important to note that each has its own use and meaning. Pay attention and learn not to make mistakes when writing!
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Indicating, above all, affinity, the term may be to adopt two behaviors in grammar. It is used both as a noun and an adjective. Everything will depend on how it will be used in the sentence. It can also indicate degree of kinship, intimate friendships and similarity. Its use in the plural is also very common. Understand better in the following sentences:
When used separately, “in order” actually forms the phrase “in order to”. Usually indicates purpose. It has several other terms as synonyms, such as "the purpose of" and "the purpose of". It has several other terms as synonyms, such as "the purpose of" and "the purpose of". Check out some examples according to the different possible uses:
In some cases it is still possible to find the implied “of” preposition. Usage is not incorrect. See the examples:
In the most modern slang, young people usually say that they are “in love” with someone. The expression serves to show interest or even declare yourself to someone. Understand the following example:
Still in doubt? In order or in order? which one should I use?
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