Text interpretation, “Curiosity”, which deals with the emergence of the “hula hoop”. The activity, aimed at students in the 3rd year of high school, is composed of several questions that address the theme and the different linguistic resources used in textual construction, requiring the activation of important skills of reading.
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Is there a more fun game than being able to spin a hula hoop? This toy challenges boys, girls and even adults. Nobody can resist this rotating bezel! But how did this toy come about?
The hula hoop was created in Egypt three thousand years ago. In the beginning, it was made with dried vine threads. Egyptian children used hula hoops to imitate artists who danced with hoops around their bodies.
The first modern hula hoops were made of wood or iron and were called death hoops. With the creation of crystalline polypropylene plastic, hula hoops became lighter and much more fun.
The hula hoop as we know it today, made of colored plastic, was created in the United States in 1958. The invention was made by young Americans Arthur Melin and Richard Knerr, who owned a toy factory.
The idea of making the hula hoop was born in Australia, where gymnastics students wore bamboo hoops on their waists during their training. The new toy was named hula hoop and sold 25 million units in just four months.
In 1958, a traditional toy factory launched the hula hoop in Brazil. Since then, the toy has been a hit with children!
Available in: http://www.sitedecuriosidades.com. Accessed on: 05/25/16.
Question 1 - Identify the passage that explains the purpose of the text:
Question 2 - “The new toy was named hula hoop and sold 25 million units in just four months.” the word hula hoop appears in italics because:
a) is an unusual term in Brazil.
b) presents controversial spelling.
c) it is a word of foreign origin.
d) was not used according to its literal meaning.
Question 3 - Check the option that presents a form of reference to the hula hoop:
to him
b) this toy
c) the toy
d) this rotating bezel
Question 4 – Identify the alternative in which time stamping is done anaphoric:
a) “The hula hoop was created in Egypt three thousand years ago.”.
b) “The hula hoop as we know it today, made of colored plastic […]”.
c) “[…] was created in the United States, in 1958.”.
d) “Since then, the toy has been a hit among children!”.
Question 5 - “The new toy was named hula hoop and sold 25 million units in only four months.". The underlined element indicates:
a) restriction
b) validation
c) rectification
d) emphasis
Question 6 – “[…] the hula hoops were lighter and much more fun.”. The underlined sequence performs in the context of the sentence the function of:
a) nominal complement
b) predicative of the subject
c) adverbial adjunct
d) verbal predicate
Question 7 – Opinion record can be found at:
a) “Is there a more fun game than being able to spin a hula hoop?”.
b) “This toy challenges boys, girls and even adults.”.
c) “In 1958, a traditional toy factory launched the hula hoop in Brazil.”.
d) “Since then, the toy has been a hit among children!”.
Question 8 – “The idea of making the hula hoop was born in Australia, Where gymnastics students wore bamboo hoops around their waists during your trainings.". Identify the referents of the pronominal forms signaled in the context above:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.