Portuguese activity, recommended to students in the 3rd of high school, with a view to studying conducting. The starting point is the initial excerpt of the news, entitled Brazil is one of the countries that sleeps less, in which inadequacies were deliberately placed in terms of conducting, which should be identified by the students.
This Portuguese language activity is available in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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You know when you wake up after a bad night's sleep, and are you sure no one rested less than you that night? You're not right, but you're not so wrong either. A University of Michigan study revealed that Brazil is among the 3 countries where people sleep less.
The search was based on an application called enter, created by the university itself. The app was developed to help people adapt to time zones, and get better sleep. He said what time people should expose themselves to daylight, to regulate their circadian rhythm – the scientific name for the concept we know as “biological clock”. 8% (about 6,000 people) of the app's users agreed to share data about their sleep with researchers, which served as the basis for the study. […]
Available in: http://super.abril.com.br/ciencia. Accessed on: May 9, 2016.
Question 1 - Identify, in the opening excerpt of the news entitled Brazil is one of the countries that sleeps less, inadequacies purposely made by the author of this activity, regarding the regency:
a) Rewrite the news passages, making the necessary changes:
b) Define the types of regency identified above:
Question 2 - Check the alternative in which the regency was made according to the cultured norm:
a) This is the study of sleep he referred to.
b) Brazil is among the three countries in which individuals sleep less.
c) The data, provided by the researchers, were obtained through the application Entry
d) App users were asked to share data about their sleep.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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