You poriferous exist about 1 million years ago, they are known as aquatic animals that are fixed in the substrate at the bottom of the sea, this species can also be known as pogiaria or sponges, sponges? That's right, let's know why?
You porifers, as mentioned, they are aquatic animals of the porifera phylum, they live deep in the sea, between 6 thousand meters deep, they are mainly found in rocks and shells, they spend all of their lives in the same place, they can also be found on the surface, but always keeping the order fixed in the local.
These animals are invertebrates, that is, they do not have a backbone, and do not have defined organs or tissues. In addition, they do not have a single color, sponges can be formed into colonies of different colors, making the look of the marine background extremely charming and magical, also having sizes and shapes many different. The largest sponges can measure up to 2 meters, while the smallest of their kind can reach 1 mm.
These little holes are the pores, and inside it there are cavities that can be called the atrium or spongiocele. They are divided into 3 types of sponges, such as Áscon, Sicon, Leucon:
ascon it has a hollow shape, and are simpler sponges, it is lined with choanocytes.
already the Sicon it is intermediate, has a vessel shape, has two types of channels, inhalant and radial.
LEUCON: It is the most evolved and complex format among them, its tissue is formed by a system of channels and chambers, being the most developed body wall of the three.
The porifers feed on micro-organisms (organic debris) and unicellular algae, the porifers are also called filter feeders, in the sea, the water penetrates your body through the filter present in the skin, similar to a common sponge, thus enabling the food and especially the oxygen. They are part of the food chain of molluscs, starfish, fish and turtles,
Sponges have an organism in their cavity with a great function, this function is the growth of bacteria, these bacteria help in the nutrition of sponges.
These species are very visible to their predators, because they are always fixed in the same place, for this fact need a defense mechanism, and this defense comes from the chemical nature that acts in the following forms:
Sponges also act in the process of commensalism, these commensalisms work as a kind of animal waste, no living being has the capacity to live alone without the help from your species (intra-specific relationships), or even with species from different classes (inter-specific relationships), this process can be called relationships ecological, this relationship happens equally, the species can benefit from the interaction, this interaction does not affect the other non-benefited species, that is, it is not impaired.
The structure of the sponge body allows these species to take refuge, such as smaller invertebrates and fish (a kind of aggregate of another species, I would say, but as they are in the their stage is still small, they can take refuge in sponges), this protection serves to reach their adult stage without any danger, also counting on their defense against predators.
Other animals, such as sharks, vultures, are also part of the commensalism
Reproduction can happen in two ways, Asexual and sexual:
In asexual reproduction, it can happen by budding or gemiparity, this reproduction occurs when the bud separates from the animal's body, in this case the porifers, giving the formation of new sponges, this step does not happen in all sponges, and there is a need for an adequate environment for this reproduction, such as temperature, food, oxygen. Sponges have a great ability to regenerate, if a sponge is broken into several pieces, new sponges emerge from these pieces, a maximum, right?
Sexual: The sponges within its structure have a type of gel, this gel has the ability to build new reproductive cells.
Did you know that these sponges were used as natural sponges, yes, these sponges that we all use for bathing, in the past they were used for animal skeletons, that's right, you didn't read that wrong, these rather strange sponges were used for bathing and in that basic house cleaning You know? Pots, glasses, plates. They were manufactured in the species of the poriferous group, which we have just studied, this species has a very soft skeleton.
Another very interesting curiosity: Sponges can only survive according to the movement of water, a sponge that measures 10 cm, moves 20 liters of water, these 20 liters are per day.
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