Text interpretation activity aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school. It is proposed to study the book reviewThe girl who stopped the traffic, written by Fabrício Valério. This book leads to a reflection on the fast pace of big cities and how it affects people's quality of life and mobility. The questions presented allow the improvement of different reading skills.
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"In a big city, there was a girl who stopped traffic with her bicycle." So begins the newly released children's book “The girl who stopped the traffic” (V&R Publisher), by Fabrício Valério with illustrations by Bruna Assis Brazil. Apparently banal, the narrative leads the small reader to reflect on the often cruel logic of a big city.
By deciding to interrupt the flow of cars with her bicycle, the girl becomes the target of a series of chain reactions. And what happens next is that the guard gets angry and whistles, the driver gets angry and honks, the bus driver gets angry and brakes abruptly. In cumulative short story language, the book proposes a reflection on the accelerated pace in big cities and how it affects people's quality of life and mobility.
Although the illustrations indicate a light approach to the subject, behind it there is an urgent message: to raise awareness about the space of the human being in the unbridled logic of the routine of a metropolis. “The whole game is to show what a simple break can bring and reveal. Human beings, especially children and the elderly, seem to be the stone on the way to the big city”, emphasizes the writer.
The book also proposes a reflection on the privileged place that motorized transport is given in the daily life of large cities, and how this reality influences each individual.
“The rush of daily life doesn't give time for reflection, and this everyday insanity, this violence almost deaf, is materialized in the car, an object that took the streets to itself as its natural habitat”, explains the author.
Despite being a fun and playful narrative, urban mobility and the occupation of public space are at the heart of the story's intent. Fabricio's text was inspired by a real event, which happened in the city of Amsterdam, Holland, in 1972. A group of children, claiming their space in society and on the streets, led a movement to fight for leisure spaces.
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Question 1 - Identify the genre of the text read:
a) review
b) opinion article
c) chronic
d) news
Question 2 - Point out the audience for which the book “The girl who stopped traffic” is intended. Then transcribe the part of the text that proves your answer:
question 3 – In all the following passages, the book is evaluated, except in:
a) “[…] the book proposes a reflection on the accelerated pace in big cities […]”
b) “[…] proposes … a reflection on the privileged place given to means of transport […]”
c) “Despite being a fun and playful narrative, urban mobility and occupation […]”
d) “Fabrício's text was inspired by a real event, which happened in the city of Amsterdam […]”
Question 4 – In the passage “In a big city, there was a girl who stopped traffic with her bicycle.”, the quotation marks indicate:
a) the speech of a character in the story.
b) the theme of the book.
c) the transcription of an excerpt of the work.
d) an opinion about the book.
Question 5 - In the second paragraph, the author of the text narrates some episodes of the story. In this part, he uses verbal tense:
a) past tense
b) past tense
c) present
d) future of the present
Question 6 – Mark the purpose of using the aforementioned verb tense:
a) show that these are episodes present in everyday life.
b) establish the reader's proximity to the story.
c) narrate facts that are about to occur.
d) report past events.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.