Portuguese activity, aimed at 7th year students, the study of demonstrative pronouns, through a text that promotes the book Bad shoes, talking chickens and other mysteries, deConfabulando Storytellers.
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Seven short stories for you to die of laughter!
This book has seven stories, one more fun than the other. Want to see? In one of them, a boy who loves to eat beats a troll, a fantastic being who likes to feed on children. Calm calm! It doesn't really exist and the invention is just to pass the time and get you out of the rut.
Another tale in this work is about a kingdom ruled by a very crazy queen, who forced people to dance every night. They danced so much, so much, that they ruined their shoes daily. Imagine, a pair of shoes a day?
These and other narratives were written in the book by a group of professional storytellers. You will have so much fun!
Available in: http://chc.org.br/historias-divertidas/. Accessed on: 15/09/16.
Question 1 - There is an opinion about the book in the excerpt:
a) "This book has seven stories, one more fun than the other."
b) “In one of them, a boy who loves to eat wins a troll […]”
c) “[…] a kingdom ruled by a very mad queen […]”
d) “[…] narratives were written in the book by a group of professional storytellers.”
Question 2 - Highlight the demonstrative pronouns in the passages, below:
a) "This book has seven stories, one more fun than the other."
b) “Another tale in this work is about a kingdom ruled by a very crazy queen […]”
c) "These and other narratives were written in the book by a group of storytellers [...]"
Question 3 - List:
a) past tense
b) Present tense
c) Future Time
( ) “[…] a troll, to be fantastic that he likes to feed on children.”
( ) "He no exist really, and the invention is just to pass the time and get you out […]"
( ) “They danced so much, but so much, that spoiled your shoes daily.”
( ) "You will enjoy much!"
Question 4 – In “Imagine, a pair of shoes a day?, the highlighted term indicates one:
a) a wish
b) an order
c) a suggestion
d) an assumption
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.