Portuguese activity, recommended to ninth grade students, on the infinitive verbs. Let's analyze them in the text that explains us What to do with used oil? Would you be able to tell, for example, in which sentence the infinitive was correctly used? In “[…] sift first if there is food waste.” or in “[…] sift before if there are food waste.”? Let's go to the challenge?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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Don't even think about dumping leftovers down the kitchen drain or throwing them in the trash – these means of disposal can pollute water, soil and the atmosphere. Once used, the oil should be cooled and stored in clean, empty PET bottles – sift first if _________ food residues. There, it can be delivered to recycling organizations and companies. Some do the work of collecting the oil in condominiums and neighborhood associations – it's worth getting informed and looking for the organization closest to you. In these places, the oil is recycled to give rise to products such as soap, biodiesel and paints.
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Question 1 - Identify the verb in the infinitive that makes up the title of the text:
Question 2 - In the text, the expression with the verb in the infinitive “may pollute” has as subject:
( ) “leftovers in the kitchen drain”.
( ) “these means of disposal”.
( ) “food waste”.
Question 3 - Point out the phrase in which the infinitive was correctly used:
( ) “[…] sift first if there is food residue.”
( ) “[…] sift first if there are food residues.”
( ) “[…] sift first if there is (or “there are”) food residues.”
Question 4 – In “Some do the work of collecting oil […]”, the infinitive “collect” forms a sentence that complements the meaning:
( ) of a verb
( ) of an adjective
( ) of a noun
Question 5 - In the sentence “[…] it's worth getting informed […]”, the verb in the infinitive was used:
( ) in active voice
( ) in passive voice
( ) in reflective voice
Question 6 – In the last period, the preposition "to" plus the verb in the infinitive "to give" express:
( ) cause
( ) goal
( ) conclusion
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.