Text interpretation activity, for the ninth year of elementary school, with questions based on a text on the following theme: black Consciousness. There are five questions that address aspects for a better understanding of the text. Only the last question addresses a reflection that goes beyond reading, that is, it challenges the student to relate the historical issue with social issues about the condition of black people today.
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November 20 mentions black consciousness, in order to highlight the difficulties that black people have been going through for centuries. The date was chosen in honor of Zumbi, the last leader of Quilombo dos Palmares, as a result of his death. Zumbi was killed for being betrayed by Antônio Soares, one of his captains. The quilombo was located in what is now the state of Alagoas, in Serra da Barriga. The Quilombo dos Palmares was built to house runaway slaves, as many could not bear to live having to put up with bad things. treatments and punishments of their overseers, such as remaining tied to trunks, in the sun or rain, without water and suffering from beatings and lashes. The place housed a population of more than twenty thousand inhabitants.
Throughout history, blacks have not been treated with respect, undergoing great suffering. On the contrary, they were enslaved to render heavy services to white men, having to live in inhuman conditions, crammed into slave quarters. Often their wives and daughters served as sex slaves for the bosses and their sons, overseers and bush captains, who later abandoned them. The slaves' houses had dirt floors, they had no furniture or utensils for cooking. It was the barons' wives who gave them some objects, to ease the difficulties in their lives. Not even being sick were treated differently, with respect and dignity. They were left without medicines and without medical care, which is why they invented medicines with natural herbs, actions learned from the Indians during the colonization period.
Some laws were created to defend the rights of black people, as many people did not agree with enslavement. The Free Womb Law was the first of them, created in 1871, granting freedom to the children of slaves born after the law. In 1885, they created the Law of Sexagenaires, giving freedom to slaves over sixty years of age. However, with the Lei Áurea, signed by Princess Isabel on May 13, 1888, slaves definitely won their freedom. The big problem with this liberation was that the slaves did not know how to carry out any other type of work, continuing in their masters' houses, even though they were freed. With that, the long-awaited freedom did not come completely.
(Adapted from www.mundoeducacao.bol.uol.com.br)
1) According to the text, we can state that:
a) there is a comparison between the slavery of blacks and that of the Indians.
b) slavery was natural and accepted by everyone, including blacks.
c) blacks were well fed to work better.
d) the Indians were responsible for taking care of blacks who got sick.
e) Before 1888, not all blacks were free in Brazil.
2) Review the following alternatives about Zumbi:
I – He was known as Antônio Soares.
II – He was one of the first leaders of the Quilombo de Palmares.
III – In honor of Zumbi, the 20th of November was created.
The only alternative that brings incorrect statement (or statements) is:
b) I and II.
c) II.
d) II and III.
e) I and III.
3) Word "mention" in the first line of the text can be replaced, without prejudice to the meaning of the text and grammatical correction, by:
a) reference.
b) consequence.
c) orientation.
d) aim.
e) interconnection.
4) Although the liberation of slaves was an advance for Brazil in terms of human rights, did it leave any negative aspects for blacks as illustrated in the text? Justify your answer.
5) Nowadays, what problems still exist in relation to this historical fact?
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of competition tests and is content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.