Portuguese activity, aimed at first year high school students, proposes the study of the accessory terms of the prayer. They are: adjoint adjunct, adverbial adjunct and bet. Let's understand how they work in the text who will save life? So, answer the various questions here!
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Adnominal Adjunct, Adverbial Adjunct and Aposto
(…) The next day was Saturday, and my father took Thunder, our dog, and was already going out with him for a walk.
I then asked:
– Hey, dad, how about taking a bag to pick up the Thunder's dirt?
– Pick up the dirt? - he asked.
– So, Dad, you can't leave dirt in the middle of the street...
– Well, well – my father replied – that's what the street is for!
– Dad, how absurd! The street belongs to everyone! It's like taking your dog to dirty other people's houses. Can't you see that we step on this dirt and bring it home? Can't you see that there are small children who walk in the street and get their feet dirty?
My father looked at me crookedly, crookedly.
And went away.
But when he came back, I saw that he had a bag, which he threw in the trash (…).
Ruth Rocha. "Who will save life?" São Paulo, FDT, 2009.
Question 1 - Identify the expression that works as an adnominal adjunct in the title of the text:
to whom"
b) "will save"
c) "a"
d) "life"
Question 2 - The underlined adjunct characterizes the noun in the fragment:
a) "- Well, well - my father replied – […]”
B) "THE street belongs to everyone!"
c) “Don't you see that there are children small […]”
d) “[…] I saw that he had a bag […]”
Question 3 - At the beginning of the text, the adverbial “On the following day” expresses:
b) cause
c) purpose
d) time
question 4 – The adverbial adjunct “On the following day” modifies the meaning of the verb:
a) of the verb “was”.
b) from the verb “caught”.
c) the phrase “I was leaving”.
d) from the verb “walking”.
Question 5 - In the passage “My father looked at me crooked, crooked.”, the adverbial adjunct “crooked” indicates:
a) the time with which the father looked.
b) the way the father looked.
c) the place where the father looked.
d) the way the father looked.
Question 6 – Carefully review the sentences. Then point out the one in which the term "that" is an adverbial adjunct of intensity:
a) "- Hey, Dad, how about taking a bag to pick up the Thunder's dirt?"
b) “– Dad, how absurd!”
c) "Can't you see that we step on this dirt and bring it home?"
d) “[…] I saw that he had a bag […]”
Question 7 – In the excerpt “[…] my father caught Trovão, our dog, and he was already leaving […]”, the highlighted part works syntactically as a bet because:
a) explains the previous term.
b) complements the previous term.
c) replaces the previous term.
d) determines the previous term.
Question 8 – A term is accessory when:
a) plays an essential role in prayer.
b) plays a complementary role in prayer.
c) plays a secondary role in prayer.
d) does not belong to the structure of the sentence.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.