Portuguese activity, aimed at first-year high school students, addresses the types of subject. Simple, hidden, composite or indeterminate? Are we going to differentiate them? For this study, answer the various questions based on the text. Recycle is necessary.
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When your shampoo runs out, what do you do with the packaging? After eating yogurt, where does the pot go? And the plastic grocery bags, do you reuse them?
All of the materials mentioned above are plastics, and plastics are synthetic polymers as well as rubbers and synthetic fibers. We use these materials in various sectors, such as civil construction, in the production of electronics, toys, fabrics and packaging.
Plastics are so present in our daily lives that people say that we are living in the “Age of Plastics”. However, synthetic polymers have been considered the greatest enemies of the environment. Do you know why?
In 1999, it was estimated that each Brazilian threw away, annually, 10 kg of plastic material alone. The European discarded around 38kg of this type of garbage in a year. The average of the North American – amazing! – was 70kg in the same period. Currently, in Brazil, more than 183,000 tons of urban waste of all types are produced per day, according to the Ministry of the Environment.
Now imagine all this garbage cluttering landfills and spreading through nature, contaminating the soil, water and atmosphere? You don't even have to imagine too much: the consequences of incorrect waste disposal are felt often in cities, for example, when manholes clog and floods damage the entire population.
Irene Cavaliere. Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - In the phrase “And the plastic supermarket bags, do you reuse them?”, the subject is:
( ) the personal pronoun “you”.
( ) the indefinite pronoun “you”.
( ) the treatment pronoun “you”.
Question 2 - In the excerpt “[…] synthetic polymers have been considered the greatest enemies of the environment.”, the subject is simple because:
( ) has only one core.
( ) has only one word.
( ) has only one noun.
Question 3 - In the sentence “We use these materials in various sectors […]”, the subject is:
( ) hidden
( ) "these materials"
( ) "various sectors"
Question 4 – Reread this period carefully:
Plastics are so present in our daily lives that people say that we are living in the “Age of Plastics”.
It can be said that there are three types of subject in the above period. Identify them:
( ) simple subject, hidden subject and indeterminate subject.
( ) simple subject, indeterminate subject and hidden subject.
( ) compound subject, non-existent subject and simple subject.
Question 5 - In the segment “In 1999, estimated that every Brazilian would throw it away […]”, the subject of the underlined verb is:
( ) hidden
( ) nonexistent
( ) undetermined
Question 6 – In "Rubbers and synthetic fibers are synthetic polymers as well as plastics.", the composite subject presents:
( ) two cores
( ) three cores
( ) four cores
Question 7 – In the passage “[…] floods harm the entire population.”, the verb “harm” expresses:
( ) an action of the subject.
( ) a state of the subject.
( ) a characteristic of the subject.
Question 8 – The subject is considered:
( ) essential term of the prayer.
( ) integral term of the sentence.
( ) accessory term of the prayer.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.