Check out several June activities, ready to print and work with students from Elementary School and Early Childhood Education.
The origin of the Festas Juninas is pagan. Even before the Middle Ages, celebrations announced the summer and winter solstice and honored the gods of nature and fertility. The church ended up joining the festivities giving them a religious character, as it could not end its popularity.
In Portugal, due to the coincidence of dates, it started to commemorate São João, calling it the partiesladyines. In the Portuguese country, the Festa de São João in Porto is very famous and attracts thousands of people who celebrate in the streets every year.
In Brazil, June festivities were introduced by the Portuguese in the colonial period and, since then, the commemoration it was influenced by African and indigenous cultures and, therefore, it has peculiar characteristics in each part of the Brazil.
The rustic parties, as they are also known, are typical of the northeast region, where the biggest São João party in the world takes place in Campina Grande, in the State of Paraíba.
See also: Decoration for June Party
Look at the pictures carefully and find their names in the comics. Create your own visual dictionary by writing the names in the correct pictures. Don't forget to paint the images neatly.
Find the name of the words in the word search in the word search and color each name in a different color. Then paint the pictures neatly and write their names.
Cut out the vowels and glue them in the correct places, forming the names of the figures.
In each row there must be 7 little flags. Complete the rows with the missing flags and then count how many flags there are, numbering them from number 1.
Help the caipirinha find out who will be her partner in the square dance:
Remembering Songs:
Answer the activities:
The children's preferences are noted below. Paint the names of the games the same color corresponding to it on the color chart you painted. Example: Ring = Blue
Monica's group coloring page.
Solve the crossword carefully:
Ideas for making party favors for the June party:
See too:
Some ideas for making your mural or panel for the June party:
Also check: Inspirations and Ideas for Festa Junina
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