Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the sixth year of elementary school, about the book bone doll. According to the author of the text, a china cabinet houses the doll that gives the story its name. And make no mistake: it is far from being just a children's toy. Curious to learn more about this suspense story? so read the text The story of a doll – made of bones! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed! Come on?
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It's almost halfway through the year and school holidays are just around the corner. So this month, I leave a tip that will liven up your last days of study before the break. My suggestion is that you try reading a thriller:
A china cabinet houses the doll that gives the story its name. And make no mistake: she is far from being just a child's toy. Right off the bat, you'll also meet friends Poppy, Zach and Alice.
They always liked to imagine adventures in a world populated by pirates and warriors and ruled by a Great Queen – the doll made of bones that lives in the cabinet. But now that the three of them are growing up, the desire to play together is no longer the same and the friendly relationship seems to be going through difficulties. Until Poppy begins to have dreams of the Queen and the ghost of a girl who cannot rest until the bone doll is buried in her grave, which is empty.
That's where the three unite and set off on a journey in an attempt to find the right cemetery, where the tomb is. There is no lack of mysteries to be solved amidst some scares along the way. Get ready to feel that butterflies in your stomach!
Maria Carolina Cristianini. Available:. (With cut).
Question 1 - At the beginning of the text, the author gives a tip to the reader. Identify this tip:
Question 2 - In the passage “[…] it is far from being just a child's toy.”, to whom does the author of the text refer?
Question 3 - Highlight the word that indicates a time circumstance in the excerpt:
“They always liked to imagine adventures in a world populated by pirates […]”
Question 4 – In “Right away, you too go meet the friends […]”, the highlighted expression expresses a future fact. Therefore, it could be replaced by:
( ) he knew.
( ) do you know.
( ) will know.
Question 5 - Reread this text fragment:
"Until Poppy starts having dreams of the Queen and the ghost of a girl who can't rest until the bone doll is buried in her grave, which is empty."
In this fragment, the author of the text tells:
( ) the complication of the story “bone doll”.
( ) the climax of the story “bone doll”.
( ) the outcome of the story "bone doll”.
Question 6 – In the segment “That's where the three unite and set out on a journey […]”, the verbs express actions of the subject “the three”, which resumes:
( ) Poppy, Zach and Alice.
( ) Poppy, the Queen and a girl's ghost.
( ) the Queen, the ghost of a girl and the bone doll.
Question 7 – In the paragraph that closes the text, the word "where" refers to the place:
( ) “the right cemetery”.
( ) “that tomb”.
( ) "path".
Question 8 – In the phrase “Get ready to feel that butterflies in your stomach!”, the author of the text says:
( ) an alert.
( ) an invitation.
( ) a critic.
Question 9 – It can be concluded that the text read is:
( ) a tale about the “Boneca de Bones”.
( ) a news about the “Boneca de Bones”.
( ) a review of the book “Boneca de Ossos”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.