THE Dynamic my feelings, just like the Dynamic the two circles and the Dynamics the web of friendship, is a wonderful resource for working the presentation.
the good of this dynamics is the fact that we only need (Paper and colored pencils).
With this Dynamics the web of friendship we can observe focused attention, agility, dynamism, interpersonal relationships, humor, persistence, resistance to frustration, creativity, leadership, interpersonal relationships, sociability.
Numbers of participants? There is no limit to the number of participants for this fun dynamic.
Is it just for school? NO!! It can be worked among other places for example among employees of a company.
a) Each person must portray their feelings and perspectives in a drawing.
b) Allow time for this individual work which should be done in silence, without any communication.
c) In a second moment, people gather in subgroups and introduce themselves saying the name, where it comes from, showing their drawing and explaining it.
d) The group chooses one of the drawings to be their symbol, presenting it and justifying it.
e) You can also make a group where each one presents showing and commenting on their drawing.
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