Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the 8th year of elementary school, aims to study the intensity adverbs. These are those words that heighten the meaning of an adjective, an adverb or a verb! Are we going to analyze them? So, answer the proposed questions about the curious text Why do hummingbirds fly so fast?
This Portuguese language activity is available for download in an editable Word template, ready to print in PDF and also the completed activity.
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This is because the wings are adapted to make 8-shaped movements. Some species flap their wings 28 times in a single second! They can spin, fly backwards, make fast turns and even stop in midair. Because they are so fast, they expend a lot of energy and need to eat a lot. These birds feed on nectar from flowers and insects, some eating up to 10 times their body weight per day – as if a 40 kg child ate 400 kg of food in a single day!
“Recreation”, no. 655, p.
Question 1 - In the title of the text, the adverb “too” modifies the meaning of the term “fast”, which performs the function of:
( ) an adjective
( ) an adverb
( ) a verb
Question 2 - In the passage “Because they are so fast […]”, the adverb “so” intensifies the meaning of a characteristic that was attributed:
( ) to hummingbirds.
( ) to the wings of hummingbirds.
( ) to some species of hummingbirds.
Question 3 - In the text above, the adverb “quite” intensifies the meaning of the verb:
( ) "spend"
( ) "need"
( ) "eat"
Question 4 – In the prayer “[…] they spend a lot of energy […]”, “a lot” is:
( ) an adverb of intensity
( ) an indefinite pronoun
( ) an indefinite article
Question 5 - Check the sentence in which the term "how" is an adverb of intensity:
( ) How fast hummingbirds are!
( ) As they spend a lot of energy, hummingbirds need to eat a lot!
( ) How can hummingbirds fly so fast?
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.