Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, aims to study the conjunctions. Students are asked to identify the meaning effects generated by the use of different conjunctions in the text chocolate coffee and coffee chocolate.
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Some say that you can't live without coffee and chocolate. If you're one of those people, here's some good news: a group of scientists at the University of Washington is trying to create new flavors for these two delights. But it has nothing to do with mixing chocolate with condensed milk or coffee with cinnamon – the thing is to play with genetics.
These two products have been cultivated around the world for centuries, in countries with very different climate, terrain and soil. Therefore, there is a great genetic diversity among coffee beans and cocoa from various parts of the world. But this variation is not just about the plants: it also happens because, in both manufacturing processes, one of the most important steps is fermentation, made from yeasts, which have been adapting to each climate.
Helô D'Angelo. Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 - In the passage “But it has nothing to do with mixing […]”, the conjunction “But” establishes with the previous period a relationship of:
In questions 2 to 5, mark the idea expressed by the highlighted conjunction:
Question 2 - “[…] mix chocolate with condensed milk or coffee with cinnamon […]"
( ) alternative
( ) goal
( ) Comparation
Question 3 - “[…] in countries with climate, relief and very different soil.”
( ) cause
( ) addition
( ) condition
Question 4 – “But this variation is not just about the plants […]"
( ) addition
( ) explanation
( ) opposition
Question 5 - “[…] it happens too why, in both manufacturing processes […]"
( ) conclusion
( ) explanation
( ) addition
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.