Ethics is fundamental for us to have a good relationship. in front of society. Ethics is the guarantee of principles that permeate a. humanity as a whole, concepts that in some way we all agree.
Ethics is studied in the field of philosophy and brings a set. of rules that regulate the relationships and conduct of society, or yours. moral behavior.
Ethics comes from the Greek term ethos which means customs and mores what. it means morality. The concept of studying behavior dates back to the very beginning. Greeks.
In a society, the rules, laws and precepts of conduct. morals are curtailed by ethics, which guide human conduct and meet the. balance for the proper functioning of social gears.
This word is very much related to social justice, therefore. guides the human being so that no one is harmed.
As ethics is the science that studies moral values e. principles based on historical and cultural factors, it is clear that morality. and ethics are related. But they are not necessarily the same words.
While ethics is a study of moral principles, morality. it is the characteristic of what is moral, of what follows the principles of morality. What. it may be immoral for certain groups in particular, it may not affect others.
A clear example related to this is the form of dress. of women nowadays. If a woman wears a short dress she wears a lot. in evidence of her body, some may think that that type of garment is not. It is appropriate. Others may find it irrelevant from her point of view. Yet. others may consider it normal.
What does this indicate? That the morality and concepts of what is. immoral or not vary from person to person and society to society.
Another example that explains the question of morality well is. related to the Discovery of Brazil. By the time Europeans stepped on. Brazilian soil, were received by indigenous people who did not dress in it. way they do.
At the time, the form of dress (or lack thereof) was. considered a form of immorality for Europeans because they weren't. used to this kind of situation. For the Indians, walking naked was. considered normal, it was not immoral from their cultural point of view.
Considering Brazil's tropical climate, in point of view. of the Indians he did not need to wear so much clothing to cover himself It's the. the opposite also happened; when Indians saw Europeans, too. they were surprised by the clothes and ornaments they were not used to, though not. necessarily thought they were immoral.
Therefore, morality is followed by local references. where we were raised or what time in the timeline we are living. If one. Nineteenth-Century Woman saw the way in which women gained their rights. and started working, wearing pants and other concepts that didn't exist at the time. in which she lived, she would certainly consider the attitude an immorality.
Summarizing the opera: morality changes according to a. surrounding society and other factors related to the passage of time. But a. ethics do not change.
Ethics is a deeper set of moral standards than. it is closely related to justice. In ethics, though the concepts of. justice can change over time, a universal, accepted standard is sought. for all and that involves bigger issues like the right to life – that doesn't change. over time.
Ethics has many ramifications and does not apply only to the good. social functioning. There are also ethics associated with such specific locations. like:
The code of ethics is the guideline that guides the laws and rules of. each country. The term also applies to business, politics and precepts. that aim at the fulfillment of moral conduct.
Code of ethics, therefore, is an agreement established between. companies, institutions, NGOs and countries that establishes the rights and duties of. each social group. These must be followed by employees in exercises. their functions and failure to comply with such code may be punishable. judicial.
This document regulates precepts that permeate organizations in. general and aims at establishing universal fair rules that promote well-being. of individuals under a given administration.
Each specific group can have its own code. conduct. As an example, the OAB (Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil) has its own. own code of conduct, which governs the professional posture of judges, lawyers. and any professional in the legal area.
In addition to companies (private or public), a code of. ethics can also be enjoyed by institutions, organizations. non-governmental organizations, political parties, professional categories, and so on. groups that wish to regulate and clarify their social posture.
In one country, for example, what might be considered ethical, like animal sacrifice, might be considered unethical in other cultures. In other words, the code of ethics dictates the duties and rights of each group.
In companies, there is a universal standard of code of conduct. which is present everywhere, are basic and must be followed. Such. like:
The business code of ethics permeates all factors. inside and outside the company as:
The code of ethics can be linked to civil standards, though. this is not mandatory. This indicates non-compliance with points. code of ethics may be applicable to punishments provided for in labor laws. and criminal.
Any citizen who is not guided by the ethics of the society to which he belongs and does not follow its universal guidelines of moral conduct is called unethical, as well as the act that the individual performs.
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