Portuguese activity, focused on students in the sixth year of elementary school, aims to study the indefinite pronoun (term that accompanies or replaces a noun, expressing the idea of indefiniteness). Students are instructed to identify indefinite pronouns and their referents, through various questions about the text the jungle treasures.
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In the past, many believed that the Amazon jungle existed in Eldorado, a city covered in gold and precious stones.
Nobody found Eldorado, but it is true that the Amazon has gold, oil and many other riches.
One of them, very important, is biodiversity: no other place has so many plants and so many different wild animals. Not so much fresh water!
If we could pour the planet's rivers, lakes and lakes into five gigantic buckets, one of them would be all filled with just Amazon water!
MELLO, Roberto Homem de. “My first Amazon book”. São Paulo: Larousse do Brasil, 2008, p.6-7.
Question 1 - Reread the second paragraph of the text. Next, identify the indefinite pronoun that performs the subject function of a clause:
Question 2 - Check the sentence whose underlined term plays the role of indefinite pronoun:
( ) "In the old days, Many believed that in the Amazon jungle […]"
( ) "One of them, much important, it's biodiversity […]"
In questions 3 to 5, mark the referent of the indefinite pronoun:
Question 3 - "so many":
( ) precious stones
( ) riches
( ) plants
Question 4 – "many":
( ) different wild animals
( ) rivers
( ) lakes
Question 5 - "so much":
( ) biodiversity
( ) fresh water
( ) Amazon water
Question 6 – The underlined word is classified as an indefinite pronoun in:
The) "In the old days, many believed that the Eldorado existed in the Amazon jungle […]”
b) “[…] the Amazon has gold, oil and many others”
c) “[…] and so many wild animals many different.”
d) “[…] a their it would be all filled with just the water from the Amazon!”
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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