We selected in this post several suggestions for Activities on the Independence of Brazil, ready to print and apply to students of initial series.
O Independence Day of Brazilit is one of the most talked about times of the year, with proclamations and comments that we are often not so used to and that may seem confusing to us.
But even with the whole context of evolution and the "various sides" of this event, it is important that we know, understand and become familiar with the Independence Day of Brazil.
O Independence Day of Brazil it was also the day that revolutionized the entire structure of Brazilian society. It took place on the 7th of September, on a Friday, 1822.
To work on this very important date, check out several ideas below. Activities on the Independence of Brazil that can be worked on in the classroom:
Check out several drawings to color:
We also recommend other Panel Ideas for the Independence Day of Brazil at school.
Anthem of the Independence of Brazil.
Homeland Week Planning
Glue chopped papers on the Brazilian flag according to their colors
Cut out the geometric shapes below, then assemble your flag.
Complete is a crosshair.
Paint the scene that shows the event.
Come on, my little friends,
Back to our history:
And that all these facts
Stay in your memory.
You can from the Motherland, children,
See happy the kind mother,
Freedom has already dawned,
on the horizon of Brazil }bis
They wanted Brazil
back to the colony
Demanding that D. Pedro,
don't stay here
Brave Brazilian people,
Far go servile fear,
Or get the homeland free,
Or die for Brazil }bis
Many Brazilians,
Came to meet,
And the laws of Portugal,
They decided to transgress.
The fetters that forged us
Of perfidy, cunning ruse,
There were more powerful hands,
Brazil mocked them }bis
José Bonifácio and others
started the movement
For Brazil to free itself,
Because the time had come.
Brave Brazilian people,
Far go, servile dread,
Or get the Fatherland free,
Or die for Brazil }bis
In Brazilian land,
In the corners from south to north,
resounded with great force
The "Independence or Death"
Congratulations, look! Brazilians!
Now, with manly garb,
from the universe among nations
Brazil shines }bis
And on September 7, 1822,
Brazil freed itself.
And D. Pedro I, the emperor,
This land so loved.
Brave Brazilian people,
Far go, servile dread,
Or get the Fatherland free,
Or die for Brazil }bis
A great way to work the Independence of Brazil through these bracelets from Brazil.
To perform this activity we will need: Green EVA sheets, Yellow, blue and black pen, Hot glue, Scissors, Tape measure.
Step by step activity:
March Soldier
paper head
who doesn't march right
Go to the barracks
The barracks caught fire
San Francisco gave the signal
Hail, hail, hail the national flag
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