Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about the cocoa mouse. A typical species from the south of Bahia, a region where plantations of the tasty fruit grow, which is the raw material for an even more delicious delicacy, chocolate! Let's meet the cocoa rat? To do so, read the text carefully. Hidden in the cocoa tree! Afterwards, answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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It is between one cocoa tree and another that the cocoa mouse lives. A typical species from the south of Bahia, a region where plantations of the tasty fruit grow, which is the raw material for an even more delicious delicacy, chocolate!
The cocoa rat is very skittish, and researchers struggle to observe it. It hides very well in the cabruca, an environment formed by the mixture of cacao trees and other plant species. It is when night comes that the cocoa mouse goes out into the forest to look for leaves and fruits. And, when he realizes that he is being watched, he hides again, mainly in the hollows of the trees and in the bromeliads that grow in the bush.
This difficulty in observing the cocoa rat means that researchers know little about the species. The observational techniques that scientists use with other mammals – like attracting them with food – don't work with him. About their reproduction, researchers suspect that each female has only one offspring per year.
Perhaps it is the lack of a place to live that is the biggest threat to the cocoa rat, as almost all of the native forest in southern Bahia, where the rodent lives, has already been deforested. Much of what remains is in the cabrucas, which are being cut down to make way for pastures.
The cocoa rat will only resist if we help to preserve what is left of Bahia's forests. Spread this idea!
Henrique Caldeira Costa. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 246. Available in: .
Question 1 - In “A typical species from the south of Bahia […]”, the author of the text refers to:
( ) to cocoa.
( ) to the cocoa rat.
( ) to chocolate.
Question 2 - In the excerpt “The cocoa mouse is very skittish […]”, the author explains:
( ) an action of the cocoa mouse.
( ) a state of the cocoa rat.
( ) a way of being of the cocoa rat.
Question 3 - Reread this passage from the text:
"He hides very well in the cabruca, environment formed by the mixture of cocoa trees and other plant species.”
The part highlighted above:
( ) defines “cabruca”.
( ) characterizes “cabruca”.
( ) complements “cabruca”.
Question 4 – In the part “It's when night comes that the cocoa mouse goes out through the forest to look for leaves and fruits.”, the term “para” indicates:
( ) a fact that is the purpose of the previous fact.
( ) a fact that contradicts the previous fact.
( ) a fact that is the consequence of the previous fact.
Question 5 - In “The observation techniques that scientists use with other mammals – such as attracting them with food – don't work with him.”, the word “how” introduces:
( ) an example of observation techniques adopted by scientists.
( ) an opinion on the observation techniques adopted by scientists.
( ) a comparison between the observation techniques adopted by scientists.
Question 6 – In the fragment “[…] researchers suspect that each female has only one offspring per annum.”, underlined expression indicates a circumstance of:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 – According to the author of the text, “Perhaps the lack of a place to live is the biggest threat to the cocoa rat”. Because?
Question 8 – In the segment “The cocoa rat will only resist if we help to preserve what is left of the Bahian forests.”, the author used the term “if” to express:
( ) a hypothesis.
( ) a condition.
( ) a conclusion.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.