O racism it is due to the differentiation of beings, this is a type of prejudice that is related to races, ethnicities and also the physical particularities of people or social groups.
Usually this term is. connected with the ideology of superiority, where people who identify themselves. better than others do this act, causing them to put others down. individuals because of their skin color, ethnicity, culture, beliefs, etc.
O racism it is a form of domination, we can confirm this through slavery, as slaves become the property of superior individuals. These slaves were brought from Africa on slave ships, where their transport conditions were extremely precarious, this resulted in the death of many blacks who were thrown into the sea, as if they were a any object.
In Brazil, slaves were. sold to planters to work on sugar plantations or. in the gold mines, however, some women were assigned to work. domestic, cooked, ironed, took care of the masters' children, some. they were also wet nurses.
In short, the slaves went. treated as merchandise, they lived in the slave quarters while they were away. working, some in chains to keep them from fleeing and others sleeping. huddled together with no decent structure to live on. Many were even explored. death and others managed to save money to obtain the Charter of Enfranchisement, which was freedom from all that torture. The abolition of slavery was. granted by Princess Isabel in 1888, through the Lei Áurea.
The racial group that suffers the most. with racism it is blacks, because of their skin color, however, that is not the only thing. it affects that person's way of thinking, but it also influences their daily lives. as a whole, because many of these people will not have the same opportunity to. employment, study, among others. This is simply due to prejudice. imposed by the race of the citizen.
Blacks had and still have. their salaries lower than other individuals, many fail to have one. adequate training in schools and few manage to enter a public university.
Racism needs to be. fought from school, teaching students to respect the difference of. your colleagues, respecting the difference in a country like ours is fundamental, therefore. we live in a mixed country, which has people of various types, races, ethnicities, etc.
There are several types, namely, individual racism, institutional racism, cultural racism, primary racism, community racism and ecological racism. Below will be described what each of them means.
A subject that is on. directly with racism is violence, whether in schools or anywhere. place in the world. In most cases it was generated through the. racism and prejudice.
People often let bullying go unnoticed. Bullying doesn't just happen in the middle. school, he is present on the streets and even indoors. It is necessary to take. beware, in the way we express an opinion to our children, as it is. it can be understood in another way and thus make the child express. this in a way that reprimands colleagues at school or in the environment in which oneself. socializes.
Many cases of bullying lead. death, as it is harmful to the person who is dealing with it, and can cause depression, exclusion from the social environment, leading the individual to. suicide. In other cases the act is so violent that the practitioner causes a. death of the victim. All this is associated with the subject covered, because what takes. a being doing acts like this is that he thinks he is superior to the other, repressing him in abusive ways.
That's why it's imperative that. acts like this are objured, avoiding tragedies. Therefore, the role of. parents, school and also society as a whole will make a big difference to that. that be fought.
O Ku Klux Klan group: this group was composed of white people. came as a response to the liberation of slaves, they massacred and lynched. black people. It appeared between 1861 to 1865 in the southern United States.
Hair. "Good and bad": this expression is racist as they resemble that. black people have bad hair. Other racist expressions that are spoken: "Ah why deny did it wrong," "That Neguinho has hard hair," "look, that guy is a monkey," "look at these. gringos coming to our country to take away our employment opportunities”, etc.
Law. 10.639:is on. provides for schools to teach Afro-Brazilian history and culture.
Discrimination. Hidden: “I'm not a racist, because I have several friends who are. black people”.
racism is a crime: racism is a crime, without bail e. with a penalty of up to three years.
March 21st: This day marks the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.
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