Choose a wonderful one in this post. Text for Mother's Day, to honor his mother on this very important date that is the Mothers Day.
O Mothers Day is a moving date, that is, the day to be celebrated depends on the year, but in Brazil it is always on the second sunday of may. In several countries it is celebrated on other dates, ranging from March to December.
Mother's Day is a day to celebrate and thank all mothers for the dedication, love and affection they give their children on a daily basis. It is common on Mother's Day for children to surprise their mothers, giving gifts or organizing activities that show all the admiration they feel for her.
See also: Mother's Day Phrases.
And it was with this in mind that we selected these phrases, messages and suggestions for your Text for Mother's Day, check out:
Also check: Song “TREM BALA” for Mother's Day with lyrics
You who kept us in your warm womb and from the world we were protected…
You who brought us to life, what more could we want?
You gave us a little corner inside of you and already grown up we were born to meet you…
In your arms we were cherished with your love and dedication.
Our heart for you, caressed every day...
Knowing you from the outside is just a way to strengthen us for the world, but what is most profound comes from your inner Being...
Oh! Wonderful Creature... Born of Divine Love
that supports us at all times of our Living!
What else could we want?
Pray with all our strength that God will bless all mothers and if not always by our side we can even have your memory makes us relive… how wonderful…
You will never be alone Dear Mommy!
She has the ability to hear silence.
Guessing feelings.
Finding the right word at uncertain times.
Strengthen us when everything around us seems to collapse.
Wisdom borrowed from the gods to protect and support us.
Its existence is itself an act of love.
Generate, care for, nurture.
Love, love, love…
To love with an unconditional love that expects nothing in return.
Immoderate and unrestrained affection, Mother is an infinite being.
I also recommend: 12 Mother's Day Card Ideas
“Mom, a great woman, my best friend, the best in the world, my great companion and my eternal annoying. You are matchless. The purest and truest feeling in the whole world, the reciprocal feeling. Loving and being loved even more, what a nice thing to feel.
I would like to ask your forgiveness for everything I did/do you, for everything I say and that came to hurt you. Forgive me for low grades, for stressing you out or making you sad sometimes. I swear it's not my intention to see you wrong. By the way, seeing you bad makes me feel bad and even more knowing that I was the one who hurt you…
I defend you and I will always defend you. Never, ever in any situation I will leave you, know that forever I will be by your side, not only because I know you will always be by my side, but because I love you. I would do anything to have your smile close to me forever, to have you fighting with me forever, to have you by my side forever, I would do anything to eternalize you! It pains me so much to know that you are not eternal, as it pains me… Tears slide down my face just knowing that, knowing that you are not eternal. “Mother, how good it would be if God, for a second of carelessness, made you eternal.” How nice it would be...
Sorry for not saying “I love you”. Sorry for not showing all the affection I feel for you. Sorry, it's just my way, I never show so much, and I know that sometimes it looks like I don't have feeling, but believe me, I love you so much, even though I show it this way, my way different from love.
Mom, I just want you to know that you are the most important thing in my life and that I love you so much, so much. And I'm not writing this just because it's Mother's Day, it's because I really love you. MOTHER, happy Mother's Day to you who are always on my side. And always remember: Your smile my smile. Your happiness, my happiness. Your pain, my pain. Your sadness, my sadness. I love you so much, love of my life.”
— AlanyJeronimo. (Sorry about the mistakes.)
Text for Mother's Day – Happy Mother's Day!
Mom, You taught me to care about people, To notice their feelings, and understand their problems.
Of all you've taught me, These must be the most important things, And they're also the qualities I like most about you.
And I just hope people see the same in me...
So, Mom, on your day, I want to tell you, How much you mean to me, And not just because you're my mom, But also because you're a person I admire and love so much.
Happy Mothers Day!
Text for Mother's Day – Mother's Love
A child ready to be born asked God:
– They tell me I'll be sent to earth tomorrow…
How am I going to live there, being so small and helpless?
And God said:
– Among many angels, I chose a special one for you.
It will be waiting for you and will take care of you.
– But tell me: Here in Heaven I do nothing but sing and smile, which is enough for me to be happy. Will I be happy there?
– Your angel will sing and smile for you…
Every day, every moment, you will feel your angel's love and you will be happy.
– How can I understand when they talk to me,
if I don't know the language people speak?
– With a lot of patience and affection, your angel will teach you to speak.
– And what will I do when I want to talk to you?
– Your angel will join your hands and teach you to pray.
– I heard that on Earth there are bad men. Who will protect me?
– Your angel will defend you even if it means risking your own life...
– But I'll always be sad because I won't see you anymore.
– Your angel will always tell you about Me, will teach you the way to come to Me, and I will always be within you.
At that time there was a lot of peace in heaven,
but the voices of the earth could already be heard.
The child in a hurry, asked softly:
– Oh God if I'm about to go now, please tell me my angel's name. And God answered:
– You will call your angel… MOTHER!
Unknown author
"A woman exists who,
for the immensity of her love,
she has a little bit of God,
and much of an angel for the tireless solicitude of her care;
a woman who, still young, has the quiet wisdom of an old woman
and, in old age, the admirable vigor of youth;
if of little education,
unveils the secrets of life with inexplicable intuition
and, if well educated, she acts with the simplicity of a girl;
a woman who being poor,
she is rewarded with the happiness of those she loves,
and when rich,
all her treasures she would give so as not to suffer in her heart the pain of ingratitude;
being fragile, she can react with the bravery of a lion;
a woman who, while alive, we do not appreciate,
because beside her all pains are forgotten;
however when dead,
we would give everything we are and everything we have
to see her again for just a moment,
receive one hug from her,
and to hear from her lips a single word.
From this woman, don't demand her name from me,
if you don't want this memory to blur with tears, because…
I've seen her pass my way.
When your children are grown,
read these words to them.
And while they cover your face with kisses,
tell them that a humble pilgrim,
in payment for the hosting received,
she left here for everyone the sketch of her own mother's portrait.”
Translation of the original by D. Ramóm Angel Jara Bishop and Chilean Speaker
Text for Mother's Day – Mother, only one…
Mom, just one...
We are in the second week of the month of May.
At school, everyone prepares to celebrate Mother's Day. The 2nd grade gang decided to paint a ceramic vase to give to moms.
During Physical Education hours, everyone rehearses for the presentations: So many shining stars in the sky, So many little shells rolling in the sea, Mãezinha, only one I have to love”.
Luiz, a rebellious 2nd grade boy, exclaims during rehearsals:
- Mom only one, two no one could stand!
Karina, the Physical Education teacher, gets annoyed with Luiz's observation and forwards him to the board. The director, too nervous, decides to ask Luiz for an explanation and asks:
– Are these modes? Why did you scream such barbarity during rehearsals? Don't like your mother?
The scared boy decides to explain what happened and says:
– Of course the director, I love my mother! The only thing I really think is that two mothers would end up driving me crazy. Have you ever thought about two mothers screaming all the time:
– It's time to get up! Brush your teeth! Take the Home! Eat everything! Take your bath right! It's time to go to school! Behave right, see...
The principal listened thoughtfully to the boy's explanations and ordered:
– All right, you can go back to rehearsals!
Text for Mother's Day
Mother's Day was born in the United States. Its founder was an American teacher named Anna Jarvis, who was born in 1864, in Webster, Virginia.
Anna lost her mother, Anna Reeves Jarvis, in 1905. She suffered a lot from this loss and thought of establishing a day to honor not only her own, but all the mothers in the world. She then wrote a letter to the governor of her state, suggesting the celebration. Governor William Glasscock accepted the suggestion and officially instituted Mother's Day in the state in 1910.
To honor Anna, she ordered the celebrations to take place on the second Sunday in May, the date close to her mother's death. In 1914, the date was included in the United States federal calendar. Anna Jarvis has given many conferences and lectures on the topic. He used all the wealth he had inherited to publicize the commemoration worldwide. Before long, the date was accepted by most Western peoples, and Anna saw her dream come true.
The commemoration arrived in Brazil in 1918, through the Associação Cristã de Moços de Porto Alegre. The date was officially celebrated on May 5, 1932, through a decree that instituted Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May.
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