Portuguese activity, suitable for students in the eighth year of elementary school, with questions that propose the study of adverbs that make up the strip from snoopy.
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Charles Schulz.
Question 1 - The strip above serves the purpose of:
a) give a news.
b) teach something.
c) provoke laughter.
d) make an alert.
Question 2 - In the passage “Is something wrong with him?”, the pronoun “he” refers to:
a) to the boy Linus.
b) the dog Snoopy.
c) to another character on the strip.
d) to the author of the strip.
Question 3 - The highlighted term works as an adverb in:
a) “Something wrong with him?",
B) "It will be that he knows something […]"
c) “[…] that we does not know?”
d) “[…] When they sense an earthquake […]"
Question 4 – In the excerpt “Sometimes animals behave […]”, the underlined phrase could be replaced by the adverb:
a) Soon
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Rarely
Question 5 - In the passage “Sometimes animals behave irrationally […]”, the underlined adverb expresses the notion of:
a) statement
b) cause
c) place
d) mode
Question 6 – In the context of the strip, the adverb "irrationally" modifies the meaning of:
a) a noun
b) a verb
c) an adjective
d) an adverb
Question 7 – In the words “[…] or when the pizza was too hot!”, the adverb “very”:
a) explains the meaning of the adjective “hot”.
b) complements the sense of the adjective “hot”.
c) intensifies the meaning of the adjective “hot”.
d) defines the meaning of the adjective “hot”.
Question 8 – Check the alternative in which the term "a lot" works as an adverb:
a) Linus and Lucy are very worried about Snoopy.
b) Snoopy spent a long time with his head in the water.
c) There is a lot of earthquake in that region.
d) Snoopy looked very desperate!
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.