Text interpretation activity for fifth grade students, the text used in this interpretation is the fable “The water”.
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Looking at the blue sky that stretched as far as his eyes could see, a portion of water began to feed the desire to leave where he was, a small stream of water so clean that looked like a mirror, surrounded by leafy trees and shrubs decorated with flowers of different colors, where many animals came to bathe and quench their thirst.
And she looked at that blue immensity that seemed to have no end, saw the birds flying swiftly from place to place, the white cotton clouds gliding calmly and unhurriedly through the air, and the more she looked, the more her desire to float aimlessly through space and reach the sky grew, where she would live and admire, from above, the exuberant beauty of the earth and its belongings.
And for her thought to come true, she asked the sun for help, which didn't make a plea and immediately turned it into steam, thus allowing it to rise first towards the clouds that hovered high above, and then reach the cooler and thinner layer of the atmosphere. But when I got where I wanted to go, the tiny particles in the water grew cold with the cold and so they came together again, they became heavier than air again, and ended up collapsing in the form of heavy rain on the earth, where the liquid portion was sucked into the dry soil and taken to a deep water table, in which it remains trapped. until today.
Moral of the story: Dreaming big is dangerous, because the return to reality can happen in a long and painful fall.
Based on a fable by Leonardo da Vinci.
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the main character in the story?
3) Where does the story take place?
4) What is the main theme of the text?
5) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
6) Where did the main character want to go?
7) At the end of the story did she get what she wanted? Justify your answer.
8) In your opinion this story really happened? Justify your answer.
9) Explain with your own words the moral of this story.
10) Make an illustration of the story.
At answers are in the link above the header.