Text interpretation activity, suitable for students from 7th to 9th grade, with reading exercises and interpretation of the song “Conquistando o Impossível” by singer Jamile.
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Believe it's time to win
This strength comes from within you
You can even touch the sky if you believe
Believe it
That none of us was ever born with a knack for super-hero
Our dreams are the people who build
It's pushing the limits
climbing the fortresses
Conquered the impossible by faith.
Champion winner
God gives wings
make your flight
Champion winner
That faith that makes you unbeatable
Show you your worth.
So many records you can break.
Barriers, you can overcome and overcome.
1) According to the text, none of us were born with the knack of being superheroes. Do you agree with this opinion? Because?
2) Explain, why are some people born into a humble family and are able to succeed in both professional and family life? In your opinion, is there a recipe?
3) Do you think some people are luckier and more privileged than others? Comment.
4) Do you think some people are predestined to be more victorious than others? Because?
5) Do we have to conform to our destiny? Comment.
6) Note the back:” Our dreams are the people who build". How should we build our dreams, according to the text?
7) Read: “God gives wings, makes his flight”. What is the meaning of this verse?
8) “You can even touch the sky if you believe”. Explain the meaning of the highlighted terms.
9) Do you know someone close to you or a celebrity who has achieved the impossible? Comment.
10) After listening to the song and making a reflection, answer:
a) What must we do to overcome our limits?
b) How to be a champion?
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva – Graduated in Letters
At answers are in the link above the header.