Text interpretation activity aimed at fifth year students, the text used in this interpretation is “The king who wanted to reach the moon”.
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He was once a very spoiled and stubborn king. Everyone had to do exactly what he wanted. One night he looked out the window and thought he wanted to touch the moon. He just couldn't settle for the fact that the Moon is far away from all of us, even kings. He ordered the construction of a very high tower, which would reach the sky. He thought that climbing the top of the tower would reach the moon. He sent for several builders and they all told him the same thing:
– Majesty, it is impossible to make a tower that high.
And the king shouted:
– impossible is a forbidden word in this realm I want the tower and period!
Until a carpenter said:
– Majesty, if we pile up a thousand pieces of furniture, I think we will reach heaven!
The king liked the idea so much that he forced all his subjects to pile up their furniture. And poor man who refused: he was taken straight to prison!
Naturally, when all the furniture in the kingdom was piled up, the king found that they couldn't reach the sky So he had all the trees in the kingdom cut down to make more furniture and put them in the battery. When the carpenters he had hired finished their work, the stubborn king smiled in satisfaction. Its furniture tower reached the clouds. Laughing, screaming, he ran and began to climb the pile until he reached the top. And when he realized that he wasn't even able to touch the Moon, he shouted angrily:
– I want more furniture!
And a carpenter answered him:
– impossible, there is no more wood.
And the king ordered:
– Take the mobile that is at the bottom of the pile and bring it to the top, because the word impossible is forbidden in my kingdom.
The carpenter obeyed and what happened is known, the pile collapsed and the king collapsed from above. And that's how the story of the stubborn king ended.
BLACK, Heloisa. Here Comes History: Tales of Worldwide Folklore.2 ed. Sao Paulo. Companhia das Letrinhas 1997 p 36-37 (History of Caribbean folklore)
1) What is the title of the text?
2) Who is the author?
3) What is the role of history?
4) What is the theme of the story?
5) How many paragraphs are there in the text?
6) Who is the main character in the story?
7) What are some characteristics of the main character?
8) What did the king want to do?
9) What were the suggestions for him to get what he wanted? That worked?
10) Make an illustration of this story in the space below:
At answers are in the link above the header.