The introduction of any matter, text or essay, is. considered the lure for the reader to find out whether or not he wants to continue reading. about the subject.
The eye-catching introduction draws attention to what's going to be. presented below and prepares the reader for the following paragraphs.
But after all, how to make a good introduction? Let's consider the matter in the topics below:
An introduction, while it should draw attention, should arrest the. reader for simplicity and objectivity.
In the introduction, the reader should discern what the. rest of the text. It's like a summary of everything you've elaborated during. the dissertation.
Here are some quick tips for a good introduction:
Want a practical example? Let's assume your introduction is. the following sentence:
Foxes are not. domestic animals. However, nothing prevents them from being domesticated.
The first paragraph in the development of this wording would have to explain why foxes are not domesticated, and the second paragraph would explain how it is possible to tame a fox.
This suggestion is important as it ensures an organized text. and well explored. Newsroom brokers often rate this point at one. writing to know how well organized the text is.
A very important point in an essay is to be objective. Do not. it's no use wanting to flourish a lot, going around so much that the reader even loses what it is. the key point. It is important to be faithful to the theme, as this agenda is evaluated in one. essay.
You need to build a well-focused introduction to the subject. theme. From the beginning of the text it is already possible. to understand whether or not the text will be faithful to the candidate's introduction.
Let's assume that the theme of your essay is:
"Alcoholic beverage. in the modern world”.
The introduction should be developed by asking: “what do I. think about the subject?”. So, let's go to the answers:
I think drink. Alcohol is good for taking stress away. But too much can be harmful.
Since that's what I think about alcohol, man. introduction might look like this:
“Alcoholic drink is good. to relieve stressful moments. However, despite being beneficial in some. senses, its excessive consumption can bring harm“.
You've seen how comprehensive it is, even though it's an introduction. short? This is the ideal way to start an introduction.
Now let's go to development of the introduction. In the first paragraph, then, we have to explain why alcohol is good; and in the 2nd paragraph. we would say why we cannot drink to excess.
You will notice that in the introduction we only stated that drinks. alcoholic are good. We haven't convinced anyone of that yet. And how to convince? That part is up to development. You can already see that introduction and. development are different agendas, right?
The introduction introduces you to the subject you are going to cover. The development explains the statements you made in the introduction. Now, consider wrong introduction models.
See also this post about How to write an essay.
Considering the previous topic about alcoholic beverages, let's go. suppose the introduction looks like this:
“Alcoholic drink alleviates. stress, as it brings a feeling of well-being. However, despite bringing. benefits, its excess consumption can be harmful to health, such as gain. of weight and addictions to drinking”.
Despite being well written, this introduction is not functional, as it covered all the subjects in one: introduction, development and arguments in a single paragraph.
The coherence in this case would be through explanation no. unfolding of the article about why alcoholic beverages bring a sensation. of well-being and why they favor alcohol addiction and gain. Weight.
Perhaps, the subject mentioned in the introduction is not. covered later, and the mistake happens there. Why use in the introduction something that. will not be defended or debated in the body of the text? This is inconsistent, and it shouldn't. be done in a newsroom.
Leave explanations in their place: in development. of the subject. Below the introductory lines.
So this is one of the most simple and important tips from. an introductory narration:
As we have seen before, the introduction is powerful, it can define the organization of the text, and it makes a good impression for the. reader. If the introduction is organized, clear and concise, the person will be. reading or evaluating the essay, you will understand that your text is not amateur.
Make him start reading your essay with different eyes, as he'll think you've prepared for write, you know what you're doing, that you didn't just sit down and decide to scribble loose notes on a sheet of paper.
If you can understand the concept of a good introduction, you will defend it with more discerning eyes, recognizing its importance. of it and letting it fulfill its role.
These are just brushstrokes on a good intro, but now. will make a difference in your final grade. These are the peculiarities that make one. text is an excellent way to earn good grades, even without being an article. extraordinary.
A right pattern can completely change the structure of one. plain text, nothing exceptional. This is a big difference. most people don't observe in their essays.
The newsrooms out there are full of introductions with. difficult words, with exuberant subjects, but with patterns totally out of. context, which does not organize the text according to the introduction that was built.
Low grade due to a poorly written article. it happens in many cases due to lack of zeal with the introduction.
Now that you've learned how to give a good introduction, how about practicing? Grab a pencil or notebook and practice all the tips offered in this article at home. Your writing notes will certainly improve, regardless of the topic proposed.
See too: How to have a debate.
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