Teacher's name: Series: Date:
Comments: The student ________________ presents a result below the expected by the standards of the majority of the school age group to which it belongs.
He is an assiduous student and shows interest in studying. His mother monitors his school development as well as extra-class activities. It started to get more organized a short time ago, before it showed signs of dysgraphia, today its spelling it is more readable, carries out activities in the classroom, as well as homework, but not autonomously.
Over the course of the year, she had difficulties in taking the initiative (parental relationship?). Example: When handing him a sheet with an activity to be done, even though he is able to do it, and with the teacher explaining at the front of the room, he waits and doesn't do it. He always waits for someone to give him directions individually. At the beginning of the year he had tics with his hands, these stopped since he started being monitored by the neurologist (medication?).
Has writing problems in relation to phonetic exchanges and nasal sounds tortoise (chabuti), environment (ambiente), guava (coiabada), pajamas (faggot), dengoso (temcoso) (speech therapist?).
He is a reader student, he is in a continuous recovery project, he is daily removed from the classroom to be accompanied by a teacher in a group of 5 students. Despite reporting orally about what the text is talking about, she has difficulties in locating simple information when questions are asked in relation to these texts.
It presents difficulties in logical reasoning, in performing operations and in the elaboration of problem situations. She demonstrates that she did not understand the multiplication tables, which certainly makes it difficult to carry out the multiplication and division operations.
She has good listening and musical rhythm, easily tracks and saves song lyrics. She has difficulties in performing psychomotor activities, such as: jumping rope, turning somersaults (weight?).
She sits at the first desk, next to the teacher, but is easily distracted, paying attention to details that are not part of the context of the class or touching some personal objects. It is always necessary to draw your attention to the subject of the lesson.
He is a student who gets along well with his classmates and schoolmates, as well as with adults, respecting them and treating everyone politely.
No further,
Professor Susana Felix
Pedagogue/Clinical and Institutional Psychopedagogist