We are providing activities about animals, the activities include: Connecting each animal to its food; Connect the animal to your home; Recognize animals from the same family; Mother and cub; Preferred animal; Wild animal; Identify domestic and wild animals; Aquatic, terrestrial and flying animals; Animals with feathers or fur; Whale folding and fish folding.
You can download the activity in two different ways, one page per sheet or two pages per sheet.
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Paint the animals under the tree
Identify the non-family animal
paint your favorite animal
Paint each animal the right color
Connect each animal to its home.
Paint the animals that live on land.
Only paint animals that have feathers
Make an X on the flying animals
Circulate the animals that live in the water
Connect each animal to its food
paint your favorite wild animal
join the brothers
Paint the animal you see every day
Paint those outside the cage
paint correctly
Paint only those with fur
Whale and fish folding
circle the different animal
link the boy to the pet
link mother to cub