Text interpretation for the fifth year of elementary school. It is a reading activity of the text by Moacyr Scliar called “Witches do not exist”. After reading, the student must answer seven questions about what they read. Good work!
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When I was a boy, I believed in witches, evil women who spent all their time plotting evil things. My friends believed that too. The test for us was a very old woman, a spinster who lived in a crumbling little house at the end of our street. Her name was Ana Custódio, but we just called her “witch”.
1) According to the text, we can state that:
a) witches still exist today.
b) witches once existed.
c) witches are great people.
d) witches are beautiful.
e) witches have a long nose.
2) The name of the woman who was called a witch is:
a) Maria da Silva.
b) Ana Custodio.
c) Ana Lúcia Custódio.
d) Genoveva Goldsmith.
e) Ane Custodio.
3) Read the excerpt: "When I was a boy, I believed in witches, evil women who spent all their time plotting evil things." What does the underlined excerpt “mending perverse things” mean?
a) means planning evil or bad actions and attitudes.
b) means using machines to do bad things.
c) means planning good deeds for others.
d) means using computers for your actions.
e) means using machines to do cool things.
4) The witch had a huge wart in which place?
a) in the arm.
b) in the leg.
c) on the chin.
d) on the forehead.
e) in the mouth.
5) Who was the witch always talking to?
a) with herself.
b) with the boys.
c) with the girls.
d) with neighbors.
e) with your friends.
6) What feature does the text not mention about the witch?
a) ugly
b) huge
c) long nose
d) fat
is tall
7) When they entered the witch's yard, what did they take from there?
a) clothes
b) fruits
c) boxes
d) flowers e) candy
By André Tarragô Martins – Middle and Middle School Teacher of Portuguese Language and Master in Letters in the area of Language, Interaction and Learning Processes. In addition, he is a musician and journalist. He works in pre-university entrance exams, pre-contests, private lessons, preparation of exams for public examinations and is a content creator for the Portal www.acessaber.com.br.
At answers are in the link above the header.
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