Portuguese activity, aimed at 2nd year high school students, aims to study the back, through a text that deals with the invention of the telescope.
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Lenses, mainly with the purpose of helping the elderly in their reading and small tasks, were already known in Europe since the 13th century. It is difficult to understand how the telescope, a simple combination of two lenses, took so long to be invented, which only came to pass in the 17th century.
Who invented the telescope? Three names vie for this glory: Galileo Galilei (scientist); Hans Lipperhey (optician) and Sacharias Janssen (show producer).
To be sure, Galileo was not the real inventor; nor was he the first to point this instrument to the stars. What Galileo did was, in 1609, to build telescopes far better than those that had hitherto existed; with enough capabilities to see details of the stars incapable of being seen by other devices, already known in much of Europe. What Galileo saw, with the telescopes he built, confirmed the heliocentric theory.
In October 1608, Dutch authorities had already denied the patent application, filed by Hans Lipperhey, for an invention that lent itself to the “observation of distant things”. The denial was justified by the simplicity of the device, which consisted of only two lenses, making it impossible to keep track of its manufacture. This decision may have been influenced by the identical request that a certain Jacob Metius Adriaanzoon, show producer in the north of the Netherlands, he would also have done the same court, shortly after Hans Lipperhev. In its beginnings, the telescope was seen as a “toy”, which lends itself very well to a better visualization of operas and other shows.
In 1655, the book entitled “The True Inventor of the Telescope” was published, in which Pierre Borel (physicist of Louis XIV, King of France), the author, presents arguments that point Sacharias Janssen as the true inventor of this instrument. […]
LAS CASAS, Renato. Available in: http://www.observatorio.ufmg.br. Accessed on: 08/14/16. (With adaptations).
Question 1 - The text ends:
a) journalistic
b) advertising
c) didactic
d) scientific
Question 2 - In the excerpt “Three names vie for this glory: Galileo Galilei (scientist); Hans Lipperhey (optician) and Sacharias Janssen (show producer)”, the colon introduces:
a) an explanation
b) an example
c) a quote
d) a controversy
Question 3 - In all alternatives, the proper use of the crasis is registered, except in:
( ) “[…] of an invention that lends itself to the “observation of distant things”.
( ) “[…] I would also have done it to the same court […]”
( ) “[…] which lends itself very well to a better visualization of operas and others […]”
Question 4 – Identify the alternative in which a term is used, through a personal pronoun:
a) “[…] he wasn't even the first to point this instrument to the stars.”
b) "What Galileo saw, with the telescopes he built, confirmed the heliocentric theory."
c) "The denial was justified by the simplicity of the device [...]"
d) “[…] thus making it impossible to keep control of its manufacture.”
Question 5 - In “Certainly, Galileo was not the real inventor; nor was the first to point this instrument to the stars.”, the term underlined indicates:
a) denial
b) opposition
c) addition
d) conclusion
Question 6 – In all segments, the explicit time stamping is noted, except in:
a) “[…] were already known in Europe since the 13th century.”
b) “In October 1608, Dutch authorities had already denied the request […]”
c) “In its early days, the telescope was seen as a “toy” […]”
d) “In 1655, the book entitled “The True Inventor of the Telescope” is published […]”
Question 7 – “[…] the telescope was seen as a “toy” […]”. In this excerpt, quotation marks were placed in the word "toy" because:
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.