Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, explores the prepositions. These are those words that link terms, establishing different meaning relationships between them! The proposed questions are based on the interesting text Why are coins round? Would you be able to tell what is the idea expressed by the preposition “for” in the sentence “For facilitate handling.”? Of condition, conclusion or purpose? Shall we answer?
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To facilitate handling. The first merchants, who traveled carrying bags of gold and silver, found it difficult to shop with metal bars. To make everything easier, coins were created. There are two versions of the place and date of appearance: some surveys indicate China, around 1100 BC; others say it was in Lydia (in present-day Turkey), in the 7th century BC. And did you know that in China, about a thousand years ago, there were coins with different shapes? A fish-shaped coin, for example, was exchanged for food.
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Question 1 - In the passage "For facilitate handling.”, the highlighted preposition reads:
( ) a condition
( ) a conclusion
( ) a purpose
Question 2 - In the excerpt “[…] who traveled carrying bags of gold and silver […]”, the use of a preposition is recorded. Tick it:
( ) "what"
( ) "with"
( ) "and"
Question 3 - In the segment “[…] they had difficulty shopping with metal bars.”, the preposition “with” indicates:
( ) the way in which the first merchants made purchases.
( ) the way the first merchants shopped.
( ) the time when the first merchants made purchases.
Question 4 – Identify the phrase in which the preposition "of" composes an adjective phrase:
( ) “[…] they had difficulty shopping with metal bars.”
( ) “[…] in the 7th century BC.”
( ) “And I knew that, in China, about a thousand years ago […]”
Question 5 - In the prayer “[…] it was changed fur food.”, the underlined term is the result of the contraction:
( ) of the preposition “per” with the demonstrative pronoun “o”.
( ) of the preposition “per” with the personal pronoun “he”.
( ) of the preposition “per” with the definite article “o”.
Per Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.