Interdisciplinary activity in Portuguese and geography, suitable for students in the sixth year of elementary school, with questions on the interpretation of the film “Kiriku ea Feiticeira”. With reading exercises, text interpretation, text genre Legend and Africa focused.
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Kiriku ha
1. Set (V) to and (F) to false.
The. ( ) The film Kiriku and the Sorceress tells the legend of a baby warrior who saved his village from a sorceress.
B. ( ) The Witch's name is Karabá.
ç. ( ) Still in the belly of the mother Kiriku orders her birth and at birth cuts her body
umbilical cord.
d. ( )Kiriku at birth demonstrates to be fearful.
and. ( )Kiriku hides in her uncle's hat and manages to save him from death.
f. ( )A witch kills Kiriku's mother.
g. ( )Kiriku, upon meeting Karabá, feels very angry with her.
H. ( )Karabá is a very smart girl.
i. ( ) The mountain sage is a villain who deceives the entire village.
j. ( )At the end of the film Kiriku becomes Karabá's boyfriend.
2. Explain why the Sorceress doesn't want to see the village people on the mountain to talk to the sage?
The. () because he only tells the truth, that way people would discover her secret.
B. ( ) because it dominates the mountain and doesn't want intruders there.
ç. ( )because he is more powerful than she.
d. ( )because he deceives people and that way he would deceive everyone.
3. Who saves Kiriku's uncle from the Sorceress's clutches when she tries to devour him?
The. ( ) kiriku that bites the Witch's leg.
B. () Karabá is tricked by Kiriku's voice that comes out of the hat, so she thinks the hat is magic and asks her uncle for the same in exchange for her life.
ç. ( ) Karabá is deceived by the voice of a village boy who comes out of a hat. So she thinks the hat is magic and asks the boy in exchange for Kiriku's uncle's life.
d. ( ) Many members of the village invade Karabá's house and save Kiriku's uncle.
4. Who brings the water back to the village?
The. ( ) Kiriku
B. ( )A boy from the village who by chance finds a branch that held all the water.
ç. ( ) the Mother of Kiriku.
d. ( ) Kiriku's uncle.
5. Who is the mountain sage?
The. ( ) Kiriku's grandfather
B. ( ) Kiriku's father
ç. ( ) Kiriku's uncle
d. ( ) a friend of Kiriku
6. What was Karabá doing with the men in the village?
The. ( ) devoured all
B. ( ) put them to work in his gold mine.
ç. ( ) transformed them
d. ( )they leave everyone in a prison.
7. Why did the Enchantress feel so much hatred and malice?
8. Who can rid the Enchantress of the evil she felt? What happens after she gets rid of this bad feeling?
9. The film presents aspects of the culture:
The. ( ) indigenous
B. ( ) African
ç. ( ) amerindian
d. ( )American
10. Did you like the movie?
11. Comment on the scene you liked the most.
12. The African continent is full of legends whose theme is: forest spirits, vampires, ghosts, brave warriors, religions, among others. The legend featured in the movie "Kiriku" has as its theme:
The. ( ) African religions
B. ( ) forest spirits
ç. ( )Brave warriors
d. () ghosts
By Rosiane Fernandes Silva
At answers are in the link above the header.