Portuguese activity, aimed at seventh-year students, aims to study the adverbs of place. The questions presented are based on the text in a strip of curassow.
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Question 1 - The author of the strip intends to:
a) instruct something.
b) expose a point of view.
c) report a fact.
d) provoke laughter.
Question 2 - The highlighted term plays the role of adverb of place in:
a) "Did you know that today it's my birthday?"
b) “Then let's go to a store on here close […]"
c) “[…] that I will buy a gift […]"
d) "Shop – BRL 1.99".
Question 3 - Emphasize the adverb, which indicates place, in this passage of the strip:
“[…] you choose there, without even looking at the price!”
Question 4 – Identify the referent of the adverb highlighted in the previous question:
Question 5 - Check the sentence where "where" works as an adverb of place:
( ) Creuzinha doesn't know where the shop is.
( ) This is the store where Mutum wants to buy the gift.
Question 6 – Underline the place adverbs that make up the following sentences:
a) The store is in front of the square.
b) Mutum points, saying that the shop is there.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca – Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.
At answers are in the link above the header.