Follow some activity ideas about personal pronoun. Teachers can apply in the classroom or as homework. The important thing is that students don't stop practicing. Enjoy!
Question 1 - The text read is intended to:
a) give a news.
b) entertain the reader.
c) publish a science fiction book.
d) make a criticism.
Question 2 - An opinion is presented in the excerpt:
a) “It's about how machines take control of humans […]”
b) “[…] and they become zombie slaves!”
c) "What a terrifying idea, isn't it?"
d) "My TV show has already started!"
Question 3 – Identify the personal pronoun that works as the subject of the sentence in the 1st box:
Question 4 - The highlighted term is classified as a personal pronoun in:
a) “It's about how machines take control of humans […]”
b) “So, instead of us controlling the machines […]”
c) "What time is it?"
d) "My TV show has already started!"
Question 5 – Point out the referents of the personal pronouns highlighted in the following passages:
a) “[…] and they become zombie slaves!”
b) “[…] do they control us?”
1) Replace the highlighted term with oblique pronouns, as in the models below:
I will invite my brother.
I will invite him.
They prepared supper.
They prepared her.
a) I need to call the adults.
b) I will deliver the ticket.
c) I need to see the pans.
d) I need to copy the lesson.
e) They took the flower.
f) They sent the e-mail to the father.
g) They dropped the rubber.
h) Invited colleagues.
i) They sent an invitation to the father.
j) They saw the ducks.
I invited the boys.
I invited them.
I'll give them cheese.
I'll give them some cheese.
a) I broke a dish.
b) I sent them a bouquet.
c) I washed the clothes.
d) I gave him a card.
e) I saw the girl.
f) I offered her a glass of juice.
2) Rewrite the sentences changing the highlighted name by pronouns:
a) The chief was the leader.
b) Birds fly.
c) The flowers withered.
d) Victoria loved the sun.
e) Children run.
f) John did not study.
g) The rose bloomed.
h) Peter and Mark are cousins.
i) The boy cried a lot.
j) The curumins swam.
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