Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about Lapinha da Serra. A stunning district that offers tourists the most enchanting and pleasant landscapes in Minas Gerais. Let's meet him? To do this, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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A stunning district that reserves to its tourists the most enchanting and pleasant landscapes of Minas Gerais.
Located at the foot of Pico da Lapinha (second highest point in Serra do Cipó, with an altitude of 1687 meters), the peaceful village is part of the Morro da Pedreira Environmental Preservation Area and is 143 km from Belo Horizonte.
Called Lapinha de Belém by former residents, Lapinha da Serra has an average of 300 inhabitants who live off subsistence, agriculture and tourism.
With countless natural beauties, the district attracts visitors in search of peace and adventure. The village has lakes, waterfalls, caves, rivers, peaks and archaeological sites that are conducive to both the peace of contemplation and the adrenaline of extreme sports.
The local culture is well marked by religious festivities such as the Day of São Sebastião, the city's patron saint and the Festa de Nossa Senhora Aparecida, among others.
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Question 1 – Reread this text fragment:
“A stunning district that reserves to its tourists the most enchanting and pleasant landscapes of Minas Gerais.”
Which district does the text refer to?
Question 2 – In the excerpt “[…] the peaceful village it is part of the Morro da Pedreira Environmental Preservation Area and is 143 km from Belo Horizonte.”, the underlined expression was used to:
( ) resume.
( ) advertise.
( ) complementary.
Question 3 – Identify those who, according to the text, "live off subsistence, agriculture and tourism":
( ) the residents of Lapinha da Serra.
( ) the new residents of Lapinha da Serra.
( ) the former residents of Lapinha da Serra.
Question 4 – In the segment “With countless natural beauties, the district attracts visitors looking for peace and also adventure.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) facts that add up.
( ) alternating facts.
( ) contrasting facts.
Question 5 - The section “The village has lakes, waterfalls, caves, rivers, peaks and sites […]” is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 6 – In “[…] that are propitious both the peace of contemplation and the adrenaline of extreme sports.”, the highlighted word means:
( ) “commons”.
( ) “appropriate”.
( ) “differentiated”.
Question 7 – Watch:
“The local culture is well marked by religious festivities such as the Day of São Sebastião, the city's patron saint and the Festa de Nossa Senhora Aparecida, among others.”
In this passage of the text, the word “how” introduces:
( ) examples of religious celebrations.
( ) the reasons for religious celebrations.
( ) a comparison between religious festivities.
Question 8 – It can be concluded that the text aims to:
( ) report.
( ) entertain.
( ) spread.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.