Portuguese activity, aimed at students in the seventh year of elementary school, about adjectives. Let's analyze them in the text The biggest library in the world? For this, answer the proposed questions!
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Think of a large library. Better: think of the greatest cultural center of humanity. This place really existed. Your name? Library of Alexandria.
It was a gigantic building located in Egypt. Its collection contained the largest volume of records of knowledge of one of the most important civilizations in the world, the Greek. […]
“Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 234.
Available in:. (Fragment).
Question 1 – In the excerpt below, there is an adjective. Underline it:
“Think of a large library.”
Question 2 – Watch:
“Better: think of the biggest center cultural of humanity.”
The adjective underlined is:
( ) invariable.
( ) variable in gender.
( ) variable in number.
Question 3 – The word, highlighted in the segment “[…] one of the civilizations most important in the world […]", has the function of:
( ) define the meaning of the adjective “important”.
( ) intensify the meaning of the adjective “important”.
( ) complement the meaning of the adjective “important”.
Question 4 – The adjective "Greek" agrees with the noun:
( ) “library”.
( ) "construction".
( ) “civilization”.
Question 5 - As for training, the adjectives present in the text are simple. That's because they:
( ) do not derive from other words.
( ) have only one element.
( ) derive from nouns or verbs.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.