Portuguese activity, focused on students in the eighth year of elementary school, addresses the verbs in indicative mode. What does this verbal mode express in the communicative context? Let's find out? To do so, answer the various questions that refer to the text, which asks: Did you know you can name a star and an exoplanet?
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Did you know you can name a star and an exoplanet?
The NomeieExoMundos campaign, by the International Astronomical Union, gave Brazil the mission to choose a name for the star HD 23079 and an exoplanet that orbits it. Both are more than 100 light years away.
The initiative marks the centenary celebrations of the International Astronomical Union.
And the deadline for registration is running out. It ends this Monday, November 4th. Vote for the site http://bit.do/hd23079.
A Brazilian commission selected 14 pairs of very popular names in our culture. And now it's your turn to baptize these heavenly bodies.
Among the options are, for example, Arara and Sabiá; Caipora and Curupira; Capitu and Bentinho; Dandara and Zombie; Iara and Saci.
What is very interesting about NomeieExoMundos is that all the names chosen are related to our popular culture.
Well, soon, soon, we will have a Brazilian cultural representation shining in the universe.
Marks Chagas. Available in: .
Question 1 - In the passage “The NomeieExoMundos campaign, of the International Astronomical Union, gave Brazil the mission […]”, the verb “to give” is in the indicative mode to express:
( ) an invitation.
( ) a certainty.
( ) a hypothesis.
Question 2 - The "a" is the direct object of a verb in the indicative way in the excerpt:
( ) “[…] an exoplanet that orbits it.”
( ) “Both are more than 100 light years away.”
( ) “[…] the names chosen relate to our popular culture.”
Question 3 - In "Ends on this Monday, November 4th.”, the subject of the verb in the underlined indicative mode is:
( ) “The NomeieExoMundos campaign”.
( ) “the centenary of the International Astronomical Union”.
( ) “the inscription”.
Question 4 – In the period “E run that the deadline for registration is running out.”, the highlighted verb was used with the function:
( ) indicative.
( ) subjunctive.
( ) imperative.
Question 5 - In the segment “A Brazilian commission selected 14 pairs of very popular names in our culture.”, the indicative verb expresses:
( ) a continuous action in the past.
( ) an action completed in the past.
( ) one action before another one passed.
Question 6 – In the part "And now it's your turn to baptize these celestial bodies.”, the adverb highlighted modifies the meaning of the verb in the indicative way, expressing:
( ) place.
( ) mode.
( ) time.
Question 7 – In the fragment “What is very interesting […]”, the verb in the indicative mode is:
( ) binding.
( ) intransitive.
( ) direct transitive.
Question 8 – Read back:
"Well, soon, soon, we will have a Brazilian cultural representation shining in the universe."
The subject of the verb in the indicative mode “we will have” is:
( ) hidden.
( ) nonexistent.
( ) undetermined.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.