Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about birds of prey. Do you know where they live? Let's find out? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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Birds of prey live in the most varied environments: in forests, fields, mountains, close to rivers and the sea. Interestingly, in each environment there are species of birds of prey adapted to live in them. Owls that usually inhabit the interior of forests, for example, have short, wide wings and a long tail that helps them in flight maneuvers in the interior of the forest. On the other hand, eagles and hawks that live in open fields have a short tail and long, wide wings for gliding to great heights. Hawks that usually live in open areas, on the other hand, have short tails and long, pointed wings so that they can fly at great speed after their prey. These birds, by the way, are found in open areas precisely so that they can develop their speed without encountering obstacles ahead. However, beware: there are forest and open country hawks, hawks and eagles. Depending on where they live, they have certain adaptations.
Anyone who says that he has seen a bird of prey in the city is absolutely right! If there is shelter and food, they might even appear. Owls are an example of a predator that tends to frequent and even live in urban spaces. In general, they like to live inside the roofs of houses and in church towers, where they sleep during the day and go out hunting insects and rats at night.
It is worth remembering that owls, like any other bird of prey, hunt only to feed or to feed their young, while they are still unable to hunt on their own.
Leo Tatsuji Fukui. “Ciência Hoje das Crianças” magazine. Edition 285.
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Question 1 – Identify the purpose of the text:
( ) explain something.
( ) tell a story.
( ) make a recommendation.
Question 2 – According to the text, “birds of prey live in the most varied environments”. Identify these varied environments:
Question 3 – Below, underline the term that expresses the author's opinion on a fact:
“It is interesting that in each environment there are species of birds of prey adapted to live in them.”
Question 4 – In the fragment “[…] they have a short tail and long, pointed wings so that they can fly at great speed after their prey.”, the author refers:
( ) to eagles.
( ) to hawks.
( ) to hawks.
Question 5 - In the "these birds, by the way, are found in open areas precisely so that they can develop their speed […]”, the underlined expression was used to:
( ) resume.
( ) to introduce.
( ) complementary.
Question 6 – Watch:
“However, beware: there are hawks, hawks and forest eagles and of open field.”
The highlighted word indicates:
( ) addition.
( ) opposition.
( ) conclusion.
Question 7 – In the segment “[…] usually frequent and even live in urban spaces.”, the author reveals a habit:
( ) of the falcon.
( ) of the owl.
( ) of the hawk.
Question 8 – In “It is worth remembering that owls, just like any other bird of prey, hunting just to feed or to feed their young […]”, the underlined excerpt is:
( ) an example given by the author.
( ) a reason given by the author.
( ) a comparison made by the author.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.