Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fourth and fifth years of elementary school, with questions based on the Ka’apor Women text.
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In the Alto Turiaçu Indigenous Land, located in the north of Maranhão, the Ka’apor women transformed the main income-earning process of their people. Instead of feather art, they started handcraft production with beads, seeds, fibers and bones as a sustainable economic alternative that does not require the killing of wild animals or the extraction of wood. This new cultural dynamic is the object of a study coordinated by the anthropologist Claudia López, within the scope of the Practice Laboratory Sustainable Development in Indigenous Lands of INCT [National Institutes of Science and Technology] Biodiversity and Land Use in Amazon. […]
Until 1998, his main source of income was feather production, a mainly male job. With Law 9,605/98, there was a prohibition on the sale of artifacts with materials from wild fauna, in this case the feathers of birds. Feather art came to be made only for use in indigenous ceremonies.
In the face of difficult conditions, some villages found the illegal sale of timber a source of income generation. The Ka’apor women started producing costume jewelry and fabrics for sale, adapting the way of survival of this people.
Luena Barros. Available at: www.museu-goeldl.br.
1) Where is the Alto Turiaçu indigenous land?
2) How have Ka’apor women transformed their people's income-earning process?
3) What did Ka’apor women not want to do as a source of income?
4) What was the INCT studying?
5) What is INCT?
6) In your opinion, what is feather art?
7) Who was responsible for the feather art?
8) Why did they stop selling feather art?
9) The feather art started to be used only for?
10) The title says that the Ka’apor women were helped by scientific research, is this explained in the text? Justify your answer.
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