Activity of text interpretation, aimed at students in the fifth year of elementary school, about macaúba. She is a palm tree that reaches up to 25 meters in height and has long, pointed spines. How about getting to know her better? So, read the text carefully! Then answer the various interpretative questions proposed!
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The macauba (scientific name Acrocomia aculeata) is a palm tree that reaches up to 25 meters in height and has long, pointed spines. It can be found in almost all of Brazil and that is why it is also known by other names, such as bocaiuva, macaíba, coco-baboso and coco-de-espinho. The fruits are important for the native fauna, as they feed macaws, agoutis, capybaras, tapirs and rheas.
With leaves up to 5 meters in length, it presents flowers and fruits in bunches that can reach 60 kilos. The flowers attract bees and the yellowish-brown fruits produce oil. The macauba bears fruit when it reaches between three and five years of age.
Its use ranges from fruit to wood. The pulp and flour taken from its fruits are rich in vitamin A and beta-carotene and can be used to make juice, ice cream, cakes, breads and sweets. The leaves are used for making fishing nets and lines. The wood, on the other hand, can be used to be used in houses and other constructions in the countryside.
Almond oil is used in the production of soap, soap, margarine and cosmetics. Brazil is carrying out research on macaúba with a focus on the production of biodiesel, a fuel made from vegetable oils.
Cerratinga. Available in: .
Question 1 – Read back:
“It can be found almost all over Brazil […]”
In this fragment, the text refers to:
Question 2 – According to the text, the fruits of the macaúba palm “are important for the native fauna”. Why?
Question 3 – Watch:
“With leaves up to 5 meters in length, it presents flowers and fruits in bunches that can reach 60 kilos.”
This excerpt is:
( ) a narration.
( ) a description.
( ) an argument.
Question 4 – In the passage “[…] produce oil.”, the text refers:
( ) to macauba flowers.
( ) to macauba leaves.
( ) to macauba fruits.
Question 5 - List the part(s) of the macaúba tree to its use, according to the text:
(1) the leaves.
(2) the wood.
( 3 ) the pulp and flour removed from its fruit.
( ) “serve for making fishing nets and lines”.
( ) “can be used to make juice, ice cream, cakes, breads and sweets”.
( ) “can be used to be used in houses and other constructions in the countryside”.
Question 6 – In the segment “Almond oil is used in the production of soap, soap, margarine and cosmetics.”, the underlined term indicates:
( ) sum.
( ) contrast.
( ) conclusion.
Question 7 – In “Brazil develops research on macaúba with a focus on the production of biodiesel, fuel made from vegetable oils.”, the highlighted excerpt is intended to:
( ) explain.
( ) justify.
( ) exemplify.
By Denyse Lage Fonseca
Graduated in Languages and specialist in distance education.